1. Redemption: Ch.6

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: Levanahyll, Source: LushStories

    ... Alpha Angels onboard.” Lucien took the new uniform in his hands. After months of being cloistered aboard Alpha 7, he was finally leaving its safety. The memory of Rayne up in her glass stasis unit filtered through his mind. She wouldn’t remember him when she was awakened. He’d be a total stranger to her. Unable to help himself, he teleported into her room. Cyneolle and Chameleon stood to either side of the glass unit. “She’s not awake yet, is she?” he asked even though he knew they’d wait until he was no longer aboard Alpha 7. “No,” Cyneolle replied. “Could I have a few seconds with her…alone?” The cyborgs turned on their heel and walked out without questioning his motives. When the door to the small room closed, Lucien turned back to the glass stasis unit. They had opened the top cover, but Rayne still slumbered peacefully. “My sleeping beauty,” he whispered. He traced the soft curve of her cheek with his finger, the delicate bow of her lips. She sighed and her sweet lips twitched as if she wanted to smile. She was so tiny, so delicate, and sweet. “My angel,” he groaned, dipping down to kiss her one last time. She moaned, giving him access to the hot moistness of her mouth. He devoured her, savoring the sweet innocence of her. When her arms reached for him, he teleported out, back to the awaiting transport, the taste of her still in his mouth. Seth was scowling when he flashed his clothing off and began pulling on his new flight suit. “About fucking time,” the weretigri ...
    ... snarled. “Just needed to take care of one last thing,” Lucien sighed yanking his flight suit up his torso. “But we’ll be back. You’ll see Rayne again when we get back,” Remi said from his position in the navigator’s chair. Lucien closed his suit and sat in one of the gunman’s chairs to pull on his boots. The new uniform had a tacky emblem of a little red devil inside an equally red circle with a line drawn through it. “Really?” Lucien deadpanned.. “Aren’t you at least going to ask about Boy?” Remi said. Lucien’s heart twisted painfully in his chest. Maybe it was from the ship moving clumsily around over the hangar. Right. Let’s go with that— he told himself. Lucien pulled the seat harnesses over his torso and lap as Seth moved the craft to hover above the exit chute. “Well?” Remi prodded in his usual irritating manner. “No,” Lucien snapped. He didn’t want to think about Boy or last night yet. He wasn’t ready to face what he had done. “She” Remi said stressing the word, “is onboard. She’s going to be part of our crew. She? Was Boy still dressing as a female? Lucien felt the back of his neck and palms begin to sweat as memories threatened to surface. Remi clutched his arm as they hurtled through the different airlocks out of Alpha 7. “Technically, the battle pet is a true hermaphrodite, neither male nor female, but both.” Lucien jerked his arm away. “I know that. So, technically you should call the battle pet an it then.” Remi grinned molar to molar. “She wants to be a girl now. If ...