1. Redemption: Ch.6

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: Levanahyll, Source: LushStories

    ... who, as usual had a glower on his rugged face. Even the glossy black feathers of his wings were ruffling in agitation. Lucien smirked at Ash. He really didn’t like the reaper. He was a stuck-up, goody-two-shoes, who acted like he was better than everybody else. It hadn’t taken Ashriel long to snag Anniel for himself. Anniel. Lucien’s first real crush. Stupid me. As he drew closer, however, his attention was arrested by two rusted heaps of metal behind the trio. He narrowed his eyes, his brain recognizing the contours of two space transports. Better yet, a pair of death traps, not even safe enough to take a piss on. “What the fuck is that?” he finally asked standing next to his brother. “Our rides,” Devon answered. Lucien looked at Devon. His un-identical twin looked dead serious. His bewildered gaze went back to the pile of garbage. “Do those things even fly?” Lucien scoffed. Seth scowled. “Of course. Natanael and I flew them personally all the way here.” Lucien strode past Ashriel to inspect the crafts. They were too big to be personal transports, but not large enough to be starcruisers. Stopping in front of a boxy one, he let out a snort of amusement. He turned back to Devon, Seth, and Ashriel. “This piece of shit looks like an Earth camper with wings,” Lucien laughed with a jerk of his thumb over one shoulder, indicating the decrepit transport. “That piece of shit is yours,” Ashriel grinned with smug superiority, as he folded his beefy arms over a ridiculously massive ...
    ... chest. Lucien’s laughter stopped abruptly as he turned with a scowl to look at the battered hunk of junk again. He planted his fists on his hips and walked around it one more time. At some point, the thing must’ve been a shiny silver. Now, it was dull grey, scored over with dents and scratches. It had rear rocket cones that were black, burnt to a crisp. Lucien let out an exasperated breath. “Shit. What the fuck does this thing run on? Fuel?” “You guessed it,” Devon replied. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Lucien laughed in amazement. Seth rolled his eyes and huffed, “Look, it’s a hybrid, and the guy that sold it to me told me he only fills the tank like once an Earth year.” “It runs on what kind of fuel?” Lucien demanded. “Fossil,” Ashriel informed with a little grimace. “Damned thing stinks like Lucifer’s testicles.” Lucien rubbed his jaw. Devon had said they needed to acquire moderate looking transportation, fit for nomad Demon hunters. He just hadn’t realized this is what moderate would look like. Taking a deep breath and deciding that he needed to stop acting like a fucking primadonna, he did his best to envision the potential in the beat up craft. Maybe he could use his power to lift the rust off and restore the metal back to its original luster. Remi suddenly appeared before him, holding his twins, one in each arm. “Say hello to Uncle Luke, boys.” The twins looked mostly like Rowie, down to the gleaming, bottomless black eyes. Their hair, on the other hand, was as deep ...