1. Redemption: Ch.6

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: Levanahyll, Source: LushStories

    ... Amadashiel huffed out a sigh and spun back around. Boy looked back at Natanael who was silently mouthing at Boy—“stay away from her,” as he made a spinning motion with his finger near his temple. “And stop telling it I’m crazy,” the girl reaper snapped still looking forward. Natanael only chuckled. The craft began to move. Boy dug her claws into the seat’s armrests and looked out through the tiny porthole opening by her seat. The craft slowly turned and moved forward toward the enormous pulsing funnel-like tunnel in the center of the hangar. Moving over the funnel, it just hovered there a few minutes. Something soft brushed against Boy’s knuckles. Looking down, she realized Natanael had spread a wing across the aisle toward her. “Don’t be scared. If you want, hold my wing.” He grinned then. “Just don’t pull the feathers. That hurts.” “You can pull my feathers,” the girl reaper said with a grin over her shoulder. Boy stiffened when the sound of the engines revved louder. The transport tipped, nose pointing down into the center of the funnel. Boy began to pant and then grew dizzy when she felt gravity shift. Closing her eyes, she clung to the soft feel of Natanael’s primary flight feathers. A jolt and a few endless seconds of weightlessness made Boy’s stomach twist, and sweat beaded on her forehead. “Baby, you oaky?” Natanael asked. Her stomach heaved and she gagged, but since she hadn’t eaten anything that morning, nothing came out, only drool that slid down her chin to soil ...
    ... her pants. Natanael unstrapped himself and knelt before her. Rummaging through a compartment just below the porthole window, he retrieved a dark grey cloth he used to wipe Boy’s face. “Hey, newbie. You okay?” Boy just groaned. She felt sick. “Not used to launching?” She shook her head. “Talk to me, baby. Come-on. Tell me what you’re feeling.” Boy eyes went to the closed door of the cockpit. So far, Lucien hadn’t said a word to her, hadn’t even acknowledged her existence after literally fucking her unconscious the night before. Boy felt…hollow…empty…abandoned. Natanael caressed the side of her face, understanding lighting his beautiful silver and black-flecked eyes. “I know how it feels, cutie pie. Been there, walked the walk.” The girl reaper leaned forward, having turned her seat again. “The trick is making it not matter. Just fuck someone else…and then another and another until the faces are all just a blur in your mind.” Her eyes glazed over, lost in her own thoughts. “Always works for me,” she said softly. “I never let myself love anyone. No one will ever love me anyway, right? Fuck ‘em all.” Natanael frowned at her, but Amadashiel just turned her seat around again with a sigh. After staring at the back of the girl reaper’s seat for a few seconds, Natanael gave a little shake of his head and regarded Boy Rayne. “Don’t listen to that. Everybody deserves love in their life. Sometimes it just takes longer for some people to find it.” He grinned. “I haven’t lost hope, and I’ve ...