1. Times in my Life: Part Five

    Date: 7/14/2016, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex First Time Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Catmandue53

    ... think I had any say in what happened you know. It seems to me I was only along for the ride… I… uhm… wow!” I exclaimed, trying to change the subject, “You look really great today! That top looks *really* good on you, and those jeans sure flatter your ass and legs!” She gave me one of her famous sideways glance… “Well it’s nice to hear you say that, a woman always likes to hear that sort of thing from a guy… but you are not answering my question”. “You already know exactly what I have been up to. You know who, you know when, and you probably already know exactly what happened… why bother even asking me?” I asked, a fabricated note of weariness in my voice; a tiny smile appearing on the side of my mouth. “I am curious… I wanted to know if you were the kind to kiss and tell.” I replied, “You already know how I feel about that, *I* didn’t tell anyone about you and I and the shed. I like to respect a ladies privacy.” “Oh… you still think I’m a lady do you?” Her eyes twinkled as she asked. “Yes, and I will continue to unless you give me a reason not to.” She leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Not a chance Nick, I *like* being treated like a lady by you.” She blew a warm breath in my ear and my eyes went fuzzy for a moment and the feeling caused me to shiver a bit. It was a new experience for me… no one had ever done that to me before. I quickly turned my head to look at her and saw a look of pure lust on her face and in her eyes. “I *will* see you after last period today”, I ...
    ... heard in a voice that would brook no argument. I gazed into those eyes and nodded my head slightly, acknowledging her proclamation. “All right then, I’ll see you after school.” “Okay”, I answered as I watched her rise from the table and head to the school doorway. I took a final drag on my smoke before getting up from the picnic table. I dropped it on the ground and snuffed it out with my foot. I walked inside to my locker and dumped my bag in it. A few moments later the door was closed and I was on my way to my homeroom for attendance and announcements. While sitting in a seat in my homeroom I watched Mr. Kertz take attendance and then listened to the announcements over the speaker system. I was terribly shocked when I heard my name among the list of students who were to report to the office right away. I was further flabbergasted when I heard Sylvia and the twins were also asked to report to the office. I felt a cold panic wash over me, I couldn’t think of anything I had done wrong… not counting the sexual encounters I had had. I looked over to Mr. Kertz and he gave me a kind smile. Maybe I wasn’t in as much trouble as I thought I was. After the announcements were finished I made my way down to the school office. I saw Sylvia was already there and went over to her. “What’s going on? Why are we here?” Sylvia smiled and responded, “It’s okay Nick, don’t fuss about it. Look, here comes Gwen and Sandy.” The four of us were clumped together as we reached the counter. I looked ...