1. Times in my Life: Part Five

    Date: 7/14/2016, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex First Time Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Catmandue53

    Part five in the continuing story of Nick. It’s advised that you read the first four parts in order to know what’s going on and to preserve the continuity of the stories. You don’t have to though; it’s really up to you. Constructive criticisms are always welcome. I try very hard to catch the spelling and grammar errors. If something slipped through, I’m sorry. I don’t have a professional editor to go over my stories. BTW: Where I live, 16 is the age of sexual consent between people who are no more than 5 years difference in age. From Wikipedia: The Tackling Violent Crime Act took effect on 1 May 2008, raising the age of consent from 14 to 16. There exist two “close in” age exemptions, depending on the age of the younger partner. A youth of twelve or thirteen can consent to sexual activity with an individual less than two years older than they. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old can consent to sexual activity with a partner who is less than five years older than they. Fun fact: The small town where these stories take place was featured on the TV show “The Right Hand”. They also showed the high school I went to. I was blown away! I was dreaming, but not only of the girls I have had sex with. I was also dreaming of the women I hadn’t had sex with yet… Roy’s older sister Julie, Roy’s younger sister Anna, the hot English teacher, and even the not-so-hot-looking but sultry sounding Science teacher. There also seemed to be a number of women who I didn’t know, but who managed to ...
    ... blend nicely into my dreams. The jangling sound of my alarm clock ripped me from my dreams and into the cold harsh light of reality. I slammed my hand down on the cursed thing and the bell ceased its infernal noise. After a few seconds I grabbed it off the night table, wound it up, and then put it back. I had a love-hate relationship with my alarm clock: I hated having to wake up every time the damn thing started ringing, and I loved that it was absolutely accurate, and required actual thought on my part in order to stop it ringing. All it asked in return was a nice winding up once a day. As I rose from the comfort of my bed I started thinking about what this day may have in store for me. I was running on full automatic as I left my room and walked into the bathroom. Ah… no sister to slow down my morning bathroom routine. As I adjusted the water for the shower a small thought that had been simmering just under my consciousness finally broke through and yelled at me, “It’s FRIDAY!!!” I smiled as I pulled the shower curtain closed behind myself as I got into the tub and pulled the knob to start the shower. Friday… my first Friday since school had started. During the summer, Friday was like any other day of the week, there was nothing special about it. But when school is on, Friday is the day of the week all students look forward to the most. When school lets out for today it signals the start of the weekend; and all the fun that can be had during that time period. I grabbed the ...