1. Times in my Life: Part Five

    Date: 7/14/2016, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex First Time Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Catmandue53

    ... exactly what had happened. It creeps me out sometimes how she knows stuff.” Bill and Roy both said, “Yeah, I know what you mean.” Changing the subject, I asked about the twins; their names and whatever other information they might have. “The twins eh?” teased Roy. “Why do you want to know about them, they’re kinda boring you know; always whispering, or passing notes? And they’re nothing to look at either… they’re pretty flat all the way around, you know what I mean?” “Well, apparently Sylvia and the twins all suck large at math. And I really suck at English, so the English teacher and my Math teacher think that the four of us could tutor each other in the subject we’re weak in. The first night of school I went to where Sylvia was baby-sitting as she helped me with my English course. The next day, she told the English teacher that I was really struggling with the course and that I would probably fail it unless Sylvia continued to tutor me.” “You saw Sylvia your first night of school?” Bill asked, his jaw hanging slack and open. “Yes I did… it was no big deal.” I said, trying to make it sound like it was the most boring thing in the world. Roy leaned close to me and whispered, “Sylvia Marks, yes? We are talking about the same Sylvia, right?” “Yes, it was Sylvia Marks. What’s the big deal, it was just a bit of tutoring?” The both looked at me like I was an absolute fucking lunatic. “Are you fucking kidding me?! Every guy in school would cut his limbs off just to be with her for ...
    ... a second! And you were nearly all alone with her, getting tutored by her, the hottest redhead in the county! I can’t fucking believe you man! You’re in school *one* fucking day and you are in the company of a hot, sexy woman that very same night!” Roy continued, “Did you guys… eh… you know… fool around at all? What base did you get to, maybe?” “It’s not nice to kiss and tell you know. And besides, if anything major had happened, I’m sure everyone would know all about it the next day. It seems like every move I make since school started has been talked about via the ‘grape vine’.” I shook my head and continued, “I guess I’m just lucky with the way things turn out with women.” “Fuck… I’d like to have your kind of luck” said Bill. “Yeah… you wish” Roy snickered quietly. “So… guys… what about the twins?” It seemed that my question about them had been forgotten about when we were talking about Heather and Sylvia. “Uhm…” Roy started, “They are identical twins, when they dress the same and wear their hair the same, it’s really hard to figure out which one is which.” Bill injected, “Their names are ‘Gwyneth’ and ‘Saundra’, but everyone just calls them ‘Gwen’ and ‘Sandy’. They’re 14 years old, and are ‘Brainiacs’ as well. They hang around with Sylvia all the time at school, and they live not too far from Heather’s place. They take the ‘early’ bus with Sylvia too. And as you’ve already seen, they’re nothing special to look at.” I thought of how they had looked the last time I had seen ...