Times in my Life: Part Five
Date: 7/14/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Catmandue53
... the shed after last class then?” She gently shook her head from side to side and replied, “No, I have a much better place in mind for this afternoon.” I looked questioningly at her as she continued, “After your last class, come out here and I’ll tell you where we will be going.” Her sly look was starting to worry me; I believed that she was capable of doing naughty things anywhere at any time, and that worried me… but only a bit. I was pretty sure she wouldn’t risk getting caught with her pants down; figuratively and literally. She winked at me before walking back inside, her eyes lit up and twinkling brightly. I checked my watch and decided I had time for one more smoke before heading back inside for my classes. I had trouble concentrating on my classes that afternoon; Terri, with her sly smile and bright eyes, clouded my brain and obscured my thinking. I was in a fog and more than once a teacher had to spur me back to the real world. Time seemed to drag out into infinity; I was checking my watch every few minutes and cursing it for moving so slowly. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the bell rang, signalling the end of the last class of the afternoon. I made a point of walking at an easy pace back to my locker to deposit my books, and then outside to the picnic table. As I sat down and lit up a smoke Terri appeared beside me and lit up one of her own. We both stared off into the far distance before she spoke, “That afternoon took for fucking ever to go by!” “I know”, ...
... I replied. “But it’s over and now we have until the bus leaves to get up to no good.” “Hmmm… that sounds good to me. Here’s what I want you to do: after I get up and head to the door, wait a bit and then follow me from away back. We’re going to be heading to the girls gymnasium, but we have to hurry. We need to get there before the cheerleading squad gets back from practicing outside.” She stood and stomped her smoke out and headed inside. I waited for a bit then squashed mine out and started following her. When we got to the double-doors leading into the gym, she stepped inside and motioned me to come to her. As I stepped in, she closed the doors soundlessly and motioned me to follow her, while putting her finger up to her lips, gesturing for me to keep quiet. We walked along the wall of the gym until we got to the opposite side. As we got nearer I could see that a portion of the wall was designed to roll upwards. There was a very short door right beside the roll up portion of the wall. Terri opened the door and motioned me inside. I ducked down low and entered through the door with her right behind me, closing the door behind us and plunging us into near darkness. Although I couldn’t see very well Terri caught hold of my arm and led me straight ahead until we encountered another wall, where we turned and followed it until we got to the end of that wall. We stopped and sat down, our eyes slowly adjusting to what very dim light there was. As my eyes became able to see a bit I ...