1. Big Bad Dude

    Date: 6/26/2016, Categories: True Story Bestiality, Bondage and restriction Cannibalism, Incest Murder, Necrophilia, Non-consensual sex Pregnant, Prostitution, Rape Author: tanya Writer

    ... the track before she could move off them the wheels came along and she was cut in two. It was the first time in my life I cried. I had lost my best friend, panhandle partner and my lover. I still had plenty of money from that score and I didn't need to feed Ginger any more. I went into L.A. The pickings weren't so good any more without her. I ended up on Santa Monica Boulevard, with all the rent boys. Older men would cruse by looking for a fresh hot ass to fuck. What choice did I have I rented out my ass for those guys. After a few weeks I got lucky this old dude picked me up, not that being with an old dude was lucky, but he was kind, his name was Brian. He was a computer nerd, and something of a hacker. He let me crash at his place, and if I sucked him off or let him fuck my ass, he would be teaching me how to hack computers. I learned pretty quick. We scammed some good money. But he said it wasn't good to keep hacking, sooner or later they catch up to you. He had some money so he started a website. He would get girls from the local pimps to preform on camera and sell time to guy so they could watch them. Most of the girls were skanky whores. He made some money, but he had to split with the pimps. He needed a way that he would be the pimp. He also figured if there were betting looking girls he could get more money for them. But where to find good looking girls that will act like whores on camera. I was reading about things in Russia and also saw some photos of the girls ...
    ... from there. They were hot. We were able to get some local help. We set up rooms with a bunch of computers with cams and good connections to the internet. We recruited local woman, they were willing to do anything for a job, and chance to make some money. Once that was set the money was coming in. We moved on to the Far East, and set up our cam factories there too. We had girls from around the world, any kind of girl you wanted. Not every one has good ID's. But that doesn't matter how old they are, we can create ID's that says they are 18. The important point is that they say they are 18. The "performers" will parrot that age, even after they have been on the site for 2 years they are still same age as when they started. There is so much porn on the internet that people could watch for free. We needed a away to cash in on that. We ripped off a bunch of porn some from pros, (what are they gonna do go to the FBI and say that someone is stealing their sleaze?) We got amateur stuff and put up a website for people to watch that. But where's the money in that? So we sell advertising to other sleaze ball companies, for the suckers that come and watch our sleaze to see. But even though we peddle hard core porn we don't stop kids from viewing by checking ID's for those you see the videos we have ripped off. My idea was to host sex stories anybody could post them and it would draw more people to our site. We didn't have to write them. Others did we just posted them and let the people come. ...