Big Bad Dude
Date: 6/26/2016,
True Story
Bondage and restriction
Non-consensual sex
Author: tanya Writer
Big Bad Dude Yah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because I am the meanest son of bitch in the valley, my dog, my bowie knife and my .45 comfort me. Not to mention I am 6 foot 7 and weight 290, of all muscle. But of course I wasn't always the meanest. I was rather big always but I come by naturally my dad is 6 foot 4 and my mom was what they sometimes called big boned. She was a bit fat but she had muscles on her, just a big frame. Being as they were that size they did tended to intimidate me when I was younger, but by the time I got to be 13 and started developing my body I wasn't as afraid of them any more. I was getting to be mean. I was working out with my best friend Butch. That wasn’t his real name but nobody called him Joey to his face. We were both lifting weights and building muscle. I was getting stronger all the time. I was still getting picked on at home by my parents. Dad would beat on mom, and mom, when she was sober which wasn't often, would beat on me. I had no one to beat on, so I would kick the dog. One day I did kick that old shit head of a dog in the leg, I think I broke it. Dad came home and saw that old shit head was limping around in pain. Dad told me to pick him up and get in the car. I thought maybe we were going to the vet or something. But he drove to the pound. He told the man that the dog was hurt and he wasn't going to spend good money to heal him up. He said he was old and no good anyway. He wanted ...
... shithead put down. So the man took him in the back and a short time later he brought old shithead, back out, very dead. My friend Larry, from next door had a bitch that had puppies. He was giving them away. My dad had always liked dogs, and he told them I would getting one. I got stuck with a dog, a female at that. She a reddish color. I named her Ginger. My dad made sure I would have to do everything to care for her; feed, water, walk her, and clean up after her. Ginger was my dog I took care of her and because of that, she waited for me to come home from school each day, she slept in my room. I let her sleep on my bed with me. When she was about 2 were out for a walk and I ran into Butch. He was out walking his dog too. His dog kept smelling around ginger's backside. She seemed shy about that. Butch told me that his dog, Spike, was smelling Ginger to see if she was in heat. As it was she was in heat. Spike tired to mount her, but she wanted nothing to do with that. Eventually I took her home. I went back to Butch's house later. He was telling that Spike was so worked up about Ginger, that he need to calm him down. I asked how he did that. He said he did it in the only way Spike would accept, he had to get Spike off. How I asked, Butch said he sucks Spike off. This I had to see. So Butch did it for me. He reached down and pulled Spike cock out of his sheath and began to suck his dick. Spike got hard and before long he was cumming, and cumming and cumming. He had me try it ...