1. Card Shark

    Date: 9/11/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: Kiss34, Source: xHamster

    ... guys had been adjusting their crotches, obviously all sporting hard-ons now that they'd seen me in just my underwear. I don't know why the situation was affecting me this way, but my pussy was juicing up wildly and I was glad I was sitting again, or the damp stain would have been obvious. My nipples were straining more than ever at the fabric of my bra. The guys all saw me and raised me again. At this point I realized that if I played on, win or lose, the guys would all see me naked. That didn't seem fair and I put the point to them. &#034Too bad princess,&#034 Dave replied. &#034You could always fold, but if you want to stay in the game you're going to have to keep betting clothes.&#034 I was mad. Mad at myself for getting into this situation. Mad at the guys for not being fair. So mad that I was more determined than ever I was going to win this hand. &#034Fine, fine, on with the game then,&#034 I said, still trying to sound cool and dismissive. I reached around and unclipped my bra, catching it as it fell away from my tits. I tossed it casually onto the pile in the middle of the table and the guys jaws all visibly dropped. They sat there, open mouthed and by the look of it dry mouthed, swallowing uncomfortably as they d***k in the sight of my perfect milky orbs, my prominent nipples jutting out like metal studs. I felt quite empowered at this point, seeing that the sight of my boobs had reduced the three guys to blubbering imbeciles. I guess they hadn't really expected I'd ...
    ... go that far and I felt it was one up to me that I'd proved them wrong. &#034Come on then, still in the game or what?&#034 I sneered at them. &#034Uh, yeah, sure,&#034 said the guy at my left. He saw me and raised me, as did all the others. At this point it would have been stupid to fold, there wasn't much more to lose and anyway, the guys seemed more embarrassed at seeing my body than I did about them seeing it. I peeled off my pants and tossed them into the pile. The fact I did it sitting meant that no one got to ogle my shaved pussy, but I'm sure the musky aroma from my pants and my pussy wasn't lost on them. I could see from Dave's eyes that his mind was working overtime. &#034I'm all for seeing you and raising you again,&#034 he said, &#034but you're all out of clothes now, so how are you going to raise your stake?&#034 &#034I dunno, like you said, I'm all out. Can't we just show our hands now, and see who's won?&#034 &#034I don't think we can, the pot's not rich enough for me just yet,&#034 Dave replied. &#034Tell you what,&#034 he continued, &#034one more round of bets, and if you lose, well, then you're the winner's to do with as they please.&#034 My mouth went dry and my mind was swimming. I had three kings and two queens, surely none of them could better that... and there was a few hundred dollars in the pot now, which would come in very handy. I almost couldn't believe it as I heard myself saying &#034fine, one more round then.&#034 The guys all raised the pot with ...