1. Card Shark

    Date: 9/11/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: Kiss34, Source: xHamster

    I don't know how the hell I got involved in that card game with Dave and his drinking buddies. Well no, I do know how, I just continually ask myself why! Dave lives down the corridor in the student halls at the university I attend. Though I guess he's not really bad looking, I'd never found him attractive. He had a kind of know-it-all attitude that just always pissed me off. Anyway, this particular Thursday night I'd gone down to his room to see if I could borrow some course notes for something I was having trouble with. I found Dave and two of his drinking cronies engaged in a game of poker and obviously all the worse for wear judging by the empty beer cans all over the floor. The guys all started calling for me to come and join in the game, saying how they'd love to make some easy money from me. I joined in their banter, telling them it was I who'd be cleaning them out. One thing led to another and the next thing I know I'm sitting at the table playing poker with them. Things are going pretty normally, I win some, I lose some, but then I'm dealt the mother of all hands – three kings and a queen. A couple of draws later and that's three kings and two queens. It's hard to conceal my delight. The trouble is the guys don't seem to know when they're beat and they keep betting for round after round until finally I'm actually out of cash! So I was out of cash now, but determined that I wouldn't lose this hand, thinking that my hand must surely beat anything the others held. ...
    ... &#034Will you take an IOU?&#034 I asked them. &#034I've got a better idea,&#034 said Dave, &#034you can bet your shirt.&#034 I thought about it long and hard and then thought &#034what the hell&#034 and took off my shirt and tossed it on to the table. The guys whistled slowly as they eyed up my bra-encased tits. While not blockbusters they're large enough, firm and beautifully smooth. Though I resented being leered at that way, the voyeuristic excitement of it made my nipples perk up, which didn't go unnoticed. The guys whistled and commented even more and my cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. &#034Come on guys, get on with the game...&#034 I tried to say it with a dismissive &#034I don't care&#034 attitude, but I don't think it washed. The guys all saw me and raised me. I know I should have quit there and then, but stubborn pride and the fact that I wanted to see the look on their faces when I showed my hand, made me stay in the game. I bet my jeans. I stood up and peeled them off, trying hard not to do it in any sort of provocative way. I wanted to make this look like &#034strictly business&#034 and not some form of erotic strip show. Well, as businesslike as I tried to keep it, the sight of me standing there in just bra and pants was obviously a pretty hot sight. The guys whooped and whistled and told me to &#034do a twirl&#034 so they could take it all in. &#034Go screw yourself,&#034 I told them as I tossed my jeans onto the pile and sat back down. I noticed all of the ...