Goon and Ragdoll Part 2
Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: True Story Anal Consensual Sex Fisting, Hardcore Author: Hellraser
... care. I was balls deep in her tight ass as her pussy dripped with her arousal. She also had taken on the habit of howling, kind of like a coyote, baying at the moon when she got off. I was actually getting more anal sex than I'd ever had in my life. Thank God for the pill! Once Dolly got on it, she couldn't get enough sex - pussy or ass didn't matter to her, she was making up for lost time. I think Ted was a little shocked to see Mary and Dolly going at each other as girl-girl stuff was still very uncommon or else never talked about. He about lost it entirely when Dolly double fisted Mary's ass and pussy at the same time. People just didn't DO this stuff. As he watched, it was easy to see he was entirely turned on by this. He motioned Dolly out of the way and sunk that pet snake of his all the way up Mary's ass. Mary was far from complaining as she rocked her ass backwards, fucking her self on his massive dick. It was affecting Dolly too. She had a handful of my dick, jacking me as we watched the performance. "OMFG, fuck my ass again, fuck it hard!" Dolly was on all fours, wiggling her ass at my. I didn't need an engraved invitation, I plowed her bowels and I fingered her clit. "Uh, harder... split me open! Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck" She started baying at the moon again in concert with Mary's massive orgasm. Ted looked over at Dolly and I: "You guys do this all the time?" "Every time the weather's decent and we're home, yes." Ted looked at Mary and said "Honey, can I come and play too" "Only with me, mister. You'd ruin Dolly with that thing, but for me, it's juuuuust right!" Dolly and I went to the Bee and grabbed the two sleeping bags and tramped back to where the tarp was spread. "I don't know if we'll do a lot of sleeping tonight, but at least we won't be cold." An evening campfire, hotdogs, beer and two naked women....Life is good!