Goon and Ragdoll Part 2
Date: 6/3/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... God help you if your pants slid down enough to show your underwear, Shirt tails tucked in at all time [BTW, all shirts had to have a collar] and belts were required. [this was prior to schools being forced to chuck their dress codes.] The girls, on the other hand were not allowed to show any signs they were wearing a bra - no straps showing and no tight tops that showed the forbidden bra strap across the back, and absolutely, may you burn in hell, gasp....CLEAVAGE! They were also forced to kneel on the next to the last step and their skirts had to break on the step above. No heels more than 1" tall, no open toed shoes, no stockings or hose [panty hose had yet to be invented]. Girls all wore girdles so there was no possibility of accidentally showing panties. A shaved pussy in the girls shower meant being sent home and your parents notified of WHY. Yes people, the prehistoric times are only 40 years or so in the past. No hand holding in the halls, although it WAS permissible to walk together as long as you weren't actually touching someone of the opposite sex. Getting caught kissing was punishable by being expelled. Married, engaged or pregnant meant banned from school forever. [this was before Alternative or Transfer school existed] I had a band, it was my livelihood, and with a note from my parents, I was able to have hair that hung over my ears, as it was 'necessary' to my 'work'. School didn't like it, but it seemed lawsuits kept popping out of the woodwork forcing them ...
... to take a more moderate approach. I digress. Dolly chose what she felt she could get away with and paid for her purchases. Rushing home, she called Mary [Goon] and asked her to come over to see her new stuff. After Mary saw all the new things, she got very quiet, and started to cry. "What's wrong" cried Dolly, "don't you like my things?" "Oh, they're wonderful, so different from what you usually wear, but you're different now too." "I'm the same girl you've ran with the last three years, but I'm tired of being frumpy all the time." "So where does that leave me?" "Mary, you're my best friend, like a sister I never had. Now we need to work on you." "Look at me Dolly, really look. You know that saying about making a silk purse out of a sow's ear? I think that applies." "You're just going to give up? What about your diet? We have a YWCA here, go enroll and get into an exercise class." "That's a lot of work and I'm not ever sure it will change anything" she whined. "If you started to lose some weight, you'd feel better about the effort it takes. I think it will get easier as you go along. Somewhere down the road, you'll reach your best size. Buck was reminding me about the heavier girls in school. Some of them are beautiful even at size 24. The right clothes, the right makeup and we'll make a new you. Buck was so helpful picking out a lot of this stuff, things I'd never dream of wearing and I know he'll help you too." "Ok, I'll give it a shot. Speaking of Buck, how many times did ...