Date: 5/30/2016,
True Story
Author: cyrano
... definitely been lit. Within seconds we were steaming up the windows. FIVE MINUTE MAN At this point, A little FYI about me and sex is in order. I have this A.D.D and short memory loss thing when it comes to sex. Every time I see a naked woman in bed it's like it's for the the first time. "Wow, there's a naked woman in my bed!" I revel in the kissing and heavy petting and all that, but at about the five minute mark my mind starts to wander to some place else. I've just got to see the....PUSSSSSYYYY! "Wow, I'm face to pussy! I get to smell it, touch it, lick it all I want." Once again at the five minute mark my mind starts to wander. I've got to know what it feels like to fuck it. "God, this feels good!" A little too good. I'm only going to last guessed it. Instead of getting "help" for this, I learned to use it to my advantage by incorporating it into a performance I call The Show. BACK TO THE B&B It was going hot and heavy. I was kissing, licking, nibbling, rubbing and, in between, giving Lisa all the verbal feedback I think she needed... for about five minutes. Then I just had to see the...PUSSSSYYYY! "Yes!" I shouted after reaching her crotch. "What?" she asked propping herself on her elbows. "So pleased to meet you," I said to her pussy while clapping my hands together. Lisa plopped back down on the bed and started giggling. I was well into The Show. I went after her pussy with relish...for about five minutes. Then I entered her. "I knew you'd be this wet! I ...
... just knew it!" I shouted as I pumped like a wild man...for about five minutes. Then I dismounted like a gold medal gymnast and started pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed. "What's wrong?" she said sitting up and covering herself in the sheets. "I'm too excited. I've got to calm down." Some women find this cute at first - until they realize I can keep this up for hours. "Wow, there's a naked woman in my bed! PUSSSSYYYY! Dismount. "Wow, there's a naked woman in my bed!..." Fuck the Crockpot I'm sure you've heard the analogy: Men are microwaves. Women are crockpots. Well, what my "affliction" has taught me is that this crockpot business is all bullshit. If a woman really needs to get off, it takes less than five minutes. So why is it taking women so long to get "there?" It's those damn voices in their heads. "Does he think my ass is fat?" "My cellulite must make him want to gag?" "Lord, please don't let him ask me to take off my bra." "He doesn't really like doing that. He's just trying to win points." "Did I lock the back door?" The sole purpose of The Show is to frustrate a woman until the loudest voice in her head is the one shouting, "I NEED TO GET OFF!" ONCE MORE, BACK AT THE B&B About an hour and fifteen minutes into The Show I guess Lisa was frustrated enough to catch on. When my face reached her crotch... again, she grapped the back of my head and in less than a minute... "Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!" It sounded like she had something hot on her tongue that she couldn't spit ...