Date: 5/30/2016,
True Story
Author: cyrano
I'm a man with a little dick. But that doesn't stop women from fucking me - even women who say they want men with big dicks. They fuck me because I give them what they need, not what they say the want. In "The Adventures of Little Dick" I'll share with you the needs of some of the women I've met and how I fulfilled them. Part One: The Grand Canyon My Three rules I never approach a woman I don't know at least casually. There are two reasons for this. First, saying no to a stranger is easy.That's a huge obstacle to overcome. Second, I don't have enough check marks on The List. Every woman has a list of traits or qualities a man's gotta have to be considered worthy. High on that list are physical looks and appearance. I can't even pass the sight test. I never ask a woman out on a date. If a woman thinks I'm asking her out on a date, out comes that list. And that list is absolute. If she's looking for a Matthew McConaughey, I don't care if she looks like a gila monster, she's going to hold out for a Matthew McConaughey. Logic and reason played no part in the drawing up that list, so there's no point in trying to persuade her to toss it. I always do my homework. It's absolutely necessary to be thorough and prepared BEFORE I make my approach. I rarely get a second chance. The Bait If you don't want a woman to know she's being hunted(asked out), you need to have good bait. Mine at the time was restaurants. I was always on the look out for great new or relatively undiscovered ...
... restaurants before they became "in" spots. The Prey Her name is Lisa. She was someone I'd been running into off and on for at least five years - long enough to know she had had been divorced for two and had three kids. She was about forty pounds overweight at the time, but a beautiful woman,and I'm a sucker for a pretty face. So when I saw her at a friends birthday party, I had to take a shot. "Hi, Lisa," I said as I approached her at a table set aside for appetizers. "Hi, Cyrano." "I was wondering if you could do me a favor." I chose my words carefully. The word "favor" was important. I was asking her to do something FOR me not WITH me. Doing something WITH me is a date, and a date has to pass the list test. "I heard about a new restaurant opening up that I want to try, and I hate going to restaurants alone. I just feel creepy." I wasn't lying, maybe exaggerating a little. Dining out alone does make me feel uncomfortable and self-conscience. I stick as as close to the truth as possible, even if it makes me look weak, because women have excellent lie detectors. "I hear the food is great. Recipes from the Old Country, unique flavors." This is were the homework comes in. I went down the menu, practically item by item. I was selling the restaurant and the restaurant experience, not a date with me. "I don't know. Between my job and the kids, I really don't even have time for myself." I could tell she was feeling cornered, so I backed off. "Just think about it. It's just a short drive ...