Cum in her panties
Date: 5/26/2016,
Author: Unknow user
... illicit inspection. The first two passengers came past - a couple of businessmen. They were followed by an older man and then a few unremarkable-looking women. Then Danielle spotted her. She was around 21 with black hair in a little bob and an hourglass figure, which was accentuated by her beige business suit. She looked like a young professional - keen and ambitious but still a little naïve. She was sexy but hadn’t quite learned how to flaunt it yet. Her ample bosom was fully covered with the buttons done up properly. Whereas Danielle, even at work always left the top two undone. It put people off their guard. While they were peeking at her cleavage, she was weighing them up and working them out. “Excuse me madam, can we just have a look at your bags please?” Said Danielle, seriously. Phil was suddenly covered in prickly heat and he could feel his pulse in his neck. “Oh…erm yes,” said the girl, compliantly. “Could you just undo the case and we’ll have a quick look,” said Danielle. She looked at Phil and tried not to snigger. Phil went along with the routine, trying to tell himself he would still have a job in the morning. Danielle rummaged through the girls things, which included a few pairs of lacy panties and then her hand touched something hard and shiny. “Oh what’s this?” She said. She pulled out the object, which was a seven inch long silver dildo. She held it up waving it in Phil’s general direction. “Oh dear,” said Danielle. The girl had gone quite red and was ...
... looking between the two officials awkwardly. “Yes…well that’s just…” She spluttered. Danielle shook her head and made a tutting sound. Phil looked at the girl sternly and then dropped back into man mode and undressed her with his eyes. “Yes, I’m afraid this contravenes several regulations,” said Danielle. “Does it?” “Yes, subsection three, paragraph 69. ‘No items of a sexual nature over six inches long may be carried in a passenger’s hand luggage.’” “Oh. I didn’t know.” “Yes, and what’s more, it’s metal. Potential hazard for all sorts of reasons.” Phil stepped in, feeling the need to add some gravitas. “I don’t suppose it’s ready to go? I mean… is it operational?” “I was just thinking that,” said Danielle. Danielle clicked a button on the side and it began to vibrate noisily in her hand. “And you left the batteries in! That’s a danger to air safety.” The girl looked alarmed. “I’m afraid with three statutory violations you’ve triggered a full cavity search ,” said Danielle. “A cavity search?” “I’m afraid so. If you would like to follow us,” said Danielle. The girl was led into a room at the back of the security area with Phil following. “Does he have to be here?” She asked, nervously. “Yes. I will do the actual search obviously, but he has to observe. It’s the regulations.” “Oh, OK. I suppose so.” “Yes, so if you would just like to undress, in your own time,” said Danielle. Phil looked on, desperately fighting the swelling in his trousers, as the girl began to undo her blouse. ...