1. Cum in her panties

    Date: 5/26/2016, Categories: Fantasy Anal Erotica Humiliation Reluctance Young Author: Unknow user

    It was just another day at Shagwick airport. Phil and Danielle were waving by the usual procession of sun-tanned Brits returning from Magaluf and Benidorm. Phil liked to think he could tell where a passenger had been just by the look of them. The Benidorm crowd were either single thirty somethings or noisy, bickering families. They were carrying souvenirs like maracas and toy donkeys. The Magalufians as Danielle called them were 18 to 25 and carrying any number of sexually transmitted diseases. “Usual crew,” said Phil with a yawn. “Yup!” Agreed Danielle, drumming her fingers on the desk. “Ah this is interesting…” observed Phil looking at his screen. “What’s that?” Asked his buxom colleague. “Flight 221B has been diverted from Monaco.” “Ooh Monaco! That’s different!” Exclaimed Danielle, adjusting her jacket buttons. Life as a Customs official at the airport had little lighter moments. Now and again, they would rumble the odd drug smuggler or illegal immigrant. By and large though, it was the same anonymous people going about their business. The Monaco flight had been rescheduled and owing to air traffic control was now Shagwick bound. Phil licked his lips and admired Danielle’s bum as he did several times each day. She looked so good in her red pencil skirt that formed the bottom half of her uniform. He often fantasised how he would like to bend her over the desk and unzip that skirt. He imagined those plump ass cheeks quivering with every thrust. Danielle was already in a ...
    ... relationship but she sometimes thought - in another life - Phil would be OK. She turned her head to one side and Phil looked away quickly. Phil looked back and noticed a certain twinkle in her eyes that he hadn’t seen before and it sent a shiver down his back. “What you thinking?” He asked. “What do you say. Shall we have some fun?” Phil’s eyes lit up. “But you’re…” “Not with me! With one of the passengers.” “What are you saying?” “This is how I see it,” said Danielle. “This flight from Monaco is going to have some properly fit booty on board.” “Go on…” “We single someone out, on some pretence or other and take her behind for a… ummm… thorough examination.” “Danielle!” “I know.” Phil thought about stripping some hot young thing with his gorgeous colleague and he started to get a semi on. “It’s a bit risky,” said Phil, soberly. “Not if we do it right. Let me do all the talking,” Danielle rebutted “Hmmm OK,” said Phil uncertainly. Part of him was eager to enter into the crazy scheme but the professional side of him was telling him it was wrong. He looked at Danielle and began to have ‘images’ of her undressing a female passenger. He had a moral conscience but it was slowly being ‘steam rollered’ by the thoughts of having some fun with his naughty work mate. “Here they come,” said Danielle, pointing to the first little crocodile of passengers who were heading for the luggage carousel. Phil had already spotted one or two likely looking candidates who might be the subject of their ...