Neighborhood Mom, Part VI - Mom For A Day
Date: 5/25/2016,
True Story
Author: luvsumcameltoe
... to listen and be understanding. "It's OK!" she said softly but firmly. I stopped and took a breath. "I'm sorry I interrupted you, I should have let you finish!" I started to open my mouth, but then thought better of it. "Or...did you finish after I left?" She grinned. I nodded. "Oh good!" Silent pause. "I guess you just can't get enough at your age! Did K do it too?" I shook my head. "I don't think so." I must have sounded dejected. "Awww...did you want her to?" I stammered. "Well...I mean...well yes! I mean I just wanted to see her do it..." C's grin shifted to a warm smile. "I can understand've got all those hormones raging and you're so curious! Do you want to show me what you were showing her?" No. I mean yes, of course, but...I wanted to fuck her. Just bend her over the tub and use her body. Now pent up, I wanted to be rough, and dirty! C spoke up again "When I walked into your room and saw what you were doing, it made me want to do it too. I was just about to start." She was grinning again and she winked. "I'll tell you what. You show me what you were showing K, and I'll show you what you wanted to see K do, ok?" I grudgingly agreed. "And...I can do it better than K can because I have more!" She sat up and grabbed the dildo as she said it. It wasn't the same - I'd watched C do that before...but maybe if I got her going she would let me fuck her. C got up out of the tub and sat on the edge of it. She leaned back ...
... against the wall, spreading her legs. Her body glistened from the water, and little soap sud clusters slid down her. Her hairy mound was covered in bubbles. C motioned for me to come sit on the adjacent tub edge. I stepped into the tub and complied. I noticed that my pubic hair was matted with my cum from earlier. C noticed too. C looked at my cock, and started running her fingers over her mound, flattened against it. The soap bubbles slid away and her pale pink lips became fully visible, glistening. "You've gotten so big!" she said. "No wonder you play with it all the time, it's always in your way!" At this point I was just sitting there, with my dick hard and protruding over the tub. "It's OK, son, go ahead. Won't it feel so good to rub it?" I moved my hand to my shaft, balancing on the tub edge with the other. "This feels good..." she continued as she spread her legs further and pushed herself open with her hand. After a few minutes, I got into my rhythm and she began to play with the dildo. I was jealous as I watched it slide into her delicious pussy. We watched each other for a bit, until I could see how swollen her pussy was and she was taking the dildo easily. I stood up, in front of her. I would make my move soon. She came. Now was the time. I dropped to my knees in the tub, moving into position in front of her, and moved my hand to the base of my shaft. She knew what I was doing. She grabbed my wrist firmly, and said no. "We can't do that! I know it's hard, and it's ...