Neighborhood Mom, Part VI - Mom For A Day
Date: 5/25/2016,
True Story
Author: luvsumcameltoe
... shifting positions frequently. I kept watching for any movement of her shape that might give her away masturbating. A couple times I thought she might have been but couldn't be sure. For what seemed like hours I alternated between half mast and rock hard, my mind wondering but always coming back to K's body, sex and what C had in store for Saturday. Finally I heard K breathing deeply and heavily like she did when she was sleeping. But I was used to staying up late, and I was struggling to sleep. C must have been too. A few times I heard her walk up and down the hall. This was crazy! We had a deal that we wouldn't turn each other down. And I desperately wanted to fuck. I heard C walk down the hall again, and into the bathroom. I heard water running. I waited several minutes. I was going to get some. Now. I got up carefully, quietly and tip toed to the door. K was sound asleep. I was still naked, and my cock was stiff. I stepped into the hall and I could see light under the bathroom door. I walked silently to it, and tested the knob. It opened. I walked in, determined. C was in the tub with a glass of wine, and water still running. She was leaning back, head against the tub edge, eyes closed. The sound of the water must have drowned out the sound of the door latch. I approached the tub and she sensed the motion. Her eyes opened and she seemed genuinely surprised. "D!" she said my name, but then caught herself. "Son, what are you doing up?" She looked at my cock, standing ...
... stiff. "Oh my...did you have one of those dreams again?" I said nothing. Enough of this. " you have to pee?" she asked. She was really taking this role play thing seriously. I wasn't sure what to say - I found her staying in character surprising. "Where's your underwear?" she queried. "Those underwear don't fit like this." I said with frustration. "Can't we just do this on Saturday like we talked about? I need..." She cut me off, interrupting me. "Son, I know you're frustrated. At your age you're so horny all the time. It's ok. Sometimes I am too." Her eyes shifted and that's when I noticed her dildo sitting on one corner of the tub. She continued. "It's ok to be horny, and you can play with yourself whenever you need to, I won't judge." I stood quietly. This was almost infuriating, but something in her voice was soothing. "I guess you and K both are getting to that point, huh?" Her face broke into a grin. "Did you like showing her what you were doing?" I didn't know what to say. "It looked like she was enjoying watching you!" C winked. I don't know why, but for some reason I felt defensive - like I had to explain myself. Suddenly I was talking fast. "It's those stupid underwear, "mom"! My dick popped out because they're too tight, and K was making comments, so I took them off. And then she took hers off too so it would be fair, and then I just started doing that and she was watching me!" I stammered out, not even stopping for breath between statements. As I spoke, C seemed ...