Nice Things Come in Small Packages
Date: 5/20/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Bondage and restriction Rape Author: Mario Caliente
... fight. I can get off on toying with her, letting her believe she has a fighting chance before I lower the boom and treat her to my inimitable version the “fate worse than death”. (Someday I might attack the wrong woman—like maybe a Rhonda Rousey—and get my ass kicked.) But tonight this dark, narrow walkway in a strange neighborhood was no place to allow for funny stuff, so I continued pressing the young woman’s body into the brick wall, rendering her immobile. The adrenaline in my system was pumping madly, as it always does at this stage of the game. And this little honey was no MMA dynamo. There was only feeble, ineffectual squirming on her part as I pressed my weight against her, smashing her into the brick wall. No sign of competent resistance. Once I was satisfied that the gag was secure in her mouth, a hood went over the young woman’s head—a head that barely came to my armpits despite the fact that she was wearing high heels. Gurgling sounds emanated from behind her gag and she squirmed desperately as she heard the duct tape being ripped from the roll that I had taken from my pocket. I yanked her arms behind her back and swiftly bound her wrists behind her as she twisted defiantly but ineffectually against my strength. I now lifted my prey and threw her over my shoulder, her hooded head at my back, her small but shapely legs kicking furiously in front of me. Despite the darkness I could tell than the min-skirt of her dress had hiked up to her crotch. I reached down and ...
... retrieved her purse which had fallen to the sidewalk. I peeked out from the side walkway before stepping onto the main sidewalk. No one was anywhere to be seen. Carrying my victim over my shoulder like a sack of struggling potatoes, I quickly made it to my van, where I threw open the rear cargo door. Not so gently I allowed the body of the young woman to fall into the van, onto the mattress. I was on top of her in an instant. Her hands were already duct taped behind her, but a pair of handcuffs now encircled her arm just above the elbow. This handcuff was connected to a chain that was connected to a frame post on the side of the vehicle. As the young woman kicked her legs in protest and shrieked incoherently into the gag and hood that covered her head, a second pair of cuffs, these anchored to a frame post on the other side of the van, were applied in the same manner to her other arm. She was now on her back on the mattress, rendered immobile by the two pairs of handcuffs that encircled her biceps. She was going nowhere. I got into the driver’s seat and slowly drove off, with muffled sounds of protest coming from the rear of the van. I found sounds such as these to be extremely stimulating. They made my penis swell and harden. All of my victims—the ones I had to gag, that is—made sounds such as these. (Some of my victims were taken in isolated locations where they could scream to their heart’s content, which I also always enjoyed and encouraged.) I always thought that if these ...