Nice Things Come in Small Packages
Date: 5/20/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Bondage and restriction
Author: Mario Caliente
... with an impact. I followed the taxi. As I say, I am always very careful in the pursuit of my avocation, and this means that I usually plan my attacks quite carefully. I often stalk a victim for days before striking at just the right time. But there are times when opportunities present themselves all of a sudden, and if one is to maximize his enjoyment, he must be prepared to act upon those opportunities. I wondered, as I followed the tail lights of the taxi, if this might be one of those occasions. I would not rush forward in blind lust. I am too smart for that. I would see how things played out, keeping my senses at all times on high alert so as to recognize any potential danger signs and abort and retreat if necessary. These instincts were in the full on position as I watched the taxi stop before an apartment building on a quiet, tree-lined street. I parked by a curb as the young woman got out of the cab, into the warm, summer night air. I stepped out of my van as the taxi drove off. The young woman stood for a moment in front of the ground floor doors to the apartment building. Were there surveillance cameras at the door? Most probably. In this day and age, surveillance cameras have become my bane. If the young woman were to walk immediately up to the door of the apartment building, she would be safe, as I could not have risked detection from a possible camera or, much worse, a doorman on duty. Safe for tonight, maybe. I would ger her eventually. She paused and glanced ...
... in both directions down the darkened, late night sidewalk. She would not have seen me even though I was only some twenty yards away, as I was wearing black and standing behind a tree. No other soul was in sight at this hour. My prey then stepped to the side of the apartment building and entered a narrow, pitch dark walkway that lead to the rear of the building. The sound of her high heel shoes on the concrete walk reverberated off the red bricks of the building as she walked beside it. My opportunity had come! It was now or never. I quickly caught up to her from behind, my running shoes landing so noiselessly on the concrete that she did not hear. The way my heart was pounding, I wondered that she might hear that before my hand was over her mouth. But she did not hear, and with a suddenness that prevented her from screaming, I shoved her up against the brick wall of the building and replaced my hand over her mouth with a gag that muffled her startled yelps once she was able to vocally register acknowledgement that she was being attacked. I was prepared for any physical defiance that the young woman might mount. I was not going to assume that she was weak just because she was small. I always assume that my victims might be black belts in some form of martial arts, and am prepared to apply any force necessary to subdue them if they react in any way that indicates they know something about fighting an attacker. Sometimes, if the situation is right, I enjoy letting a woman try to ...