Nice Things Come in Small Packages
Date: 5/20/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Bondage and restriction
Author: Mario Caliente
... van, with only the sound of the crickets outside. A wounded goldfish. Waiting defenselessly for the piranha to make the next move. She was smart to have made no attempt of escaping the van while I lay spent and weak. She surely knew she could not have gotten out and away before I would have stopped her. And she certainly must have known that that would have made me very mad and that there would have been consequences. Besides, even if she did escape my clutches, she was stark naked and in the middle of nowhere, for god’s sake! So the goldfish sat there. Waiting. Praying, too, if she were religious. At long last I roused myself. It was nearly daybreak. I searched the van for my clothes. In my haste to undress I had not exactly folded my clothes and put them in a neat pile. Sandra watched me carefully as I dressed. When I was done, I tossed her dress to her. The bra, too. Both garments were intact. I told her to put them on. Nervously, she did as told, and then tensed up as I moved toward her with a pair of handcuffs. I told her to relax. I just needed her to remain out of sight in the back of the van while I drove her home. I cuffed her to one of the frame posts, then jumped in the driver’s seat, took off my Lone Ranger mask, started the engine, and pulled away. We were back in town and three blocks from where I abducted her. I pulled into an alley and parked. The first light of day was beginning to illuminate the sky. At the end of the alley I saw a man walking a dog. I ...
... cursed myself for being so late. I was certain the dog walker had not noticed the van, but I should have had her back here before dawn. Too late to worry about that now. I threw the hood to her in the back and told her to pull it over her head. I got out and went around to the back of the van and opened the door. She was sitting forlornly on the mattress, a wrist handcuffed to the frame, the hood over her head as I had instructed. I climbed in and moved toward her. I released her handcuffs. I grasped her arms and pulled them behind her back. As I applied duct tape to her wrists, I told her that it was an easy bondage that she would be able to wiggle her hands free from without too much difficulty. It should her only long enough to give me time to drive away. She could then remove the hood from her head and walk home, having never seen my face or the outside of my van. I told her she could go to the police if she wanted, who would send her to a hospital for them to do a rape kit on her, something that would put my DNA into a data bank. But I also told her something else. I told her that I had seen the picture in her wallet of a beautiful young girl who was obviously her sister, as there was a strong family resemblance. I told her that I would be checking the police blotter for the next two weeks, and that if I saw that she did go to the police on this, I would track down her pretty young sister and when I did, I would not been nearly as gentle with her. Sandra hissed three words to ...