Vampire: Stories of days past 3
Date: 5/12/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Bondage and restriction
Author: Lynch.Stevens
... stepped closer and started to push and pull the fabric around lumps of flesh and skin. With every inch he buttend up her bosom seemed to be increase, restraining any excess in the right spot. After a few moments Marius stepped back, looking at his Mistress. “Well? How do I look?” Her mood had turned like a leaf on a tree. “You look radiant like always.” Lady Verona gave a slight smile at the youth “At least these little lies a lady can’t mind” Elegantly she made her way out of the room “Let’s not keep my husband waiting, shall we?” The big door opened as music and the chatter of people poured out. Marius quickly stepped aside, letting his mistress and her husband pass. The post tapped his staff a few times then loudly announced their presence “HIS HIGHNESS, PRINCE DORIAN OF VERONA, ACCOMPANYED BY HIS WIVE, LADY ELISABETH VERONA” All chatter silenced as the string quartet replaced their light music with the royal anthem. Holding hands in an elegant way, lord and lady Verona descended onto the polished floor, nodding politely at their bowing guests. Glimpsing quickly inside Marius saw a few new faces, but most he recognized from earlier parties. All were dressed in a Victorian style, but him being the only one actually having lived thought the era shake his head at the farce displayed. He silently closed the door, and then made haste to the kitchen. A kitchen boy was struggling finding room for a goose in the overflowing oven, was stirring in a large pot. “DON’T YOU DARE ...
... RUINING PHEASENT?” A giant of a man came out of the corner close to Marius, pointing a dripping ladle at the boy manhandling the bird. “But sir, it’s a goose…“ the boy tenderly spoke his words “… I chopped of its head this morning. And there is no room for…” The cook slapped him sternly with the ladle, leaving a red splurge behind. “If I say its pheasant, it’s a bloody Pheasant. God knows that bunch of asses out there can’t tell them apart.” Turning his gaze at the oven, he had to bend at the waist to have a good view. With a bare hand he pushed some of the pastries aside, then in one motion grasping the limp bird from the lad’s hold and cramming it in. “See? Room to spare, now get your but over there and start chopping those vegetables.” With a loud sigh Bertrand sat down on a chair “I’m getting to old for this crap” he picked up a bottle of wine from the counter and took a big swig. “… each season we lose more and more of our staff. Ran away my ass, we all know what happens…” He eyed Marius for a moment, then offered him the bottle “And now I’m stuck with these two daft boys, almost so incompetent I’m afraid they will chop off their own hands.” Marius petted the man on his shoulder, while taking the bottle and putting it back on the counter. “It’s too early for wine, also I don’t think his Grace likes you drinking his fine stock” Bertrand spit on the ground “Fine stock? This goat’s piss barely counts as wine.” With a grunt the giant came on his feet, eying both lads who silently ...