Vampire: Stories of days past 3
Date: 5/12/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Bondage and restriction
Author: Lynch.Stevens
Jake sat silent for a moment, trying to get his head around what he just heard. “So let me get this straight. You are over two millennia old. And lost your eye in a fight with your brother… over a slave?” Marius shrugged “Well, that’s the basic of it. More or less.” Shaking his head Jake tried to figure out if his host was lying or just plainly insane. “And I thought I was the only one who bumped his head.” He shifted his weight to the left and felt a pain shoot through his side. “It appears you might have broken a rib as well, want me to take a look?” Jake took a few shallow breaths, pushing the pain away before he nodded. “Well if you want me, you should apologies first.” Marius sat with his arms crossed next to the bed, a slight grin on his lips. “You want me to… what?” Jake’s words where followed by a grunt. “I. Want you. To say you’re sorry for doubting my story.” The young man pulled a face as if he felt insulted. “Dude, for real. I’m in serious pain over here!” Marius shortly chuckled “And I can maybe ease it. I also can just go out and get a quick bite to eat.” Catching his last words he let out a short chuckle again “Your choice.” Jake felt another flash of pain shooting through is side, this time without him putting weight on it. “Sure, whatever you want! Just as long you can make this go away.” Marius still sat with his arms crossed, not moving a muscle. “So?” Jake gave a deep sigh “I’m sorry for doubting you.” A smile made it’s over Marius’s lips “That wasn’t ...
... so hard to do, was it?” He moved over to Jake and pulled his shirt up, exposing a big bruise. Jake felt the cold fingers explore the spot, softly increasing pressure here and there. Although the pain caused by the examination, he felt a strange enjoyment out of it. Having Marius up close touching his skin, a sigh escaped him before he could suppress it. “Between pain and pleasure is a thin line, I know.” Marius’s lips where curled in an enthralling smile. “MARIUS!! Where are you?” The lady stood waiting in the middle of the room, the back of her elaborate dress still unbuttoned. Chandeliers lightened parts of the dark room, casting distorted shades on floor and walls. “MARIUS!! God damned cyclops, we don’t have all night.” Her face and neck where powdered with chalk, a charcoal fake mole decorating her right cheek. “MARIUS!!!” Her voice echoed throughout the mansion, shortly blocking out the violin music from the ballroom. From down the hall quick steps got louder as they sped close. “Sorry my lady, His Grace had me do some last preparations.” A stern look betrayed the annoyed mood Lady Verona was in “If you are making up excuses, leave my husband out of it…” With a short angry snort she unfolded her fan “… be grateful we haven’t thrown your sorry behind out yet. Telling lies about your superiors. Wouldn’t surprise me if you stole from us as well.” Fiercely fanning her face she turned around “Well??? What are you waiting for? This dress isn’t buttoning itself” Marius hastily ...