1. Elizabeth's story - sibling love - Chapter 2 - the aftermath of my sin

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Taboo Author: submissivemom72, Source: LushStories

    ... Mom and I had not really talked since Dad died. But I did not see any reason to correct her illusion that we were still communicating and talking. Gary’s absence caused my anxiety level to jump. My mind raced with all kinds of scenarios about what he was feeling and thinking, and what he was doing right now. I was concerned that he might be sharing the details of this morning with one or more of his friends. That thought scared me beyond belief. I tried to focus on my homework. Mostly, I just sat there, staring at my physics book, reliving the events of the morning, and working various scenarios about the future in my head. The daydreams both scared and excited me. Try as I might, I could not purge the vivid images from my brain, and my body reacted to the memories; I was wet and aroused, and ashamed that I was. And my anxiety level was at an all-time high. After struggling with my homework for over an hour, I had only completed three of twelve assigned problems. I decided to abandon this effort and watch some TV. It was 3:30 p.m. Mom was just now starting her ritual of orange juice and vodka. I occupied myself for several hours, waiting for Gary to return, and avoiding Mom. I was getting increasingly pissed that Gary had abandoned me this way. Why wasn’t he as anxious as I was to discuss this? Why wasn’t he concerned with my mental and emotional state? It was one of my earliest lessons that men are insensitive bastards. We really should not expect them to act any better ...
    ... than they do. I finally approached Mom, and offered to make pasta for dinner. Mom was very happy to abdicate dinner responsibility to me. She was not drunk yet, but she was ‘on her way’, so to speak. It was after six o’clock when Gary came bounding in, acting like he hadn’t a care in the world; acting as if everything was normal. In the context of the inner turmoil with which I was dealing, his carefree attitude really irritated me. I ignored him in a little show of my displeasure, but I am not sure he even noticed. We ate dinner. Mom complimented me on the pasta and garlic bread. Gary grunted agreement that it was good. After dinner, Mom retired to the family room with her drink. Gary escaped upstairs and I rinsed the dishes and stacked the dishwasher. As I contemplated this morning’s events, I convinced myself that what Gary and I did was wrong, and it needed to stop. As appealing, exciting and enjoyable as this morning was, continuing a relationship with my stepbrother violated every rule in our society. I freely admit, there was a part of me that wanted this torrid relationship to continue. Mixed with the shame and deep embarrassment of my sin, was the excitement of the memory of masturbating my stepbrother to orgasm, and climaxing myself while I did it. Part of me wanted to experience that again and again. But I knew it was wrong, and I committed to telling Gary we needed to prevent a recurrence. I was deeply conflicted. I was still wearing my running clothes, and I had not ...