1. Elizabeth's story - sibling love - Chapter 2 - the aftermath of my sin

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Taboo Author: submissivemom72, Source: LushStories

    ... men can be intimate without an emotional connection. Men are capable of ‘sport humping’ or, to be more crude, ‘sport fucking’. Women, on the other hand, have a tendency to tie deep emotional connections to real intimacy. And as absurd as it now sounds, the physical exchange that Gary and I shared this morning had touched me more deeply than a physical release, I was now emotionally attached to my stepbrother in a way that certainly was not normal, and arguably, not healthy. I did not understand it at that moment, but I needed to escape the conversation with James. James would have been a normal and healthy target for my emotions, but at this particular moment, I was distracted with strong emotional feelings for Gary. I could not be bothered with James right now. I needed to find and confront Gary to determine his state of mind. After about ten minutes of small talk, I finished my coffee and excused myself from James. “Hey, it was great running into you this morning, but I better be finishing my run before I lose whatever motivation I have,” I said as I got up and prepared to leave. James, who was quite popular with the girls at our school, was not used to being dismissed. He actually looked shocked that I was not thrilled to stay and enjoy his company longer. He made one last overture, “So do you have plans tonight?” To which I replied, “Yeah, I am hooked up with some family stuff tonight; but perhaps we can get together some other time.” I realized that I just brushed off ...
    ... one of the more popular boys in school. This was a first for both James and me. In truth, it felt kind of good at the time. I took off, and took a convoluted way home. My best guess is I made the return trip five or six miles long, and took a little better than an hour to complete the run. It was approaching noon when I arrived home, sweating heavily and having run some of the anxiety out of my body. But I was no closer to understanding my feelings or knowing what I should do next than when I left. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and nursing her daily hangover. If she stayed true to form, she would start drinking sometime in the late afternoon, be drunk before dinner and be asleep by eight or nine o'clock tonight. I felt badly for her. I wished I knew how to help her, but I realized I had nothing to offer her. Hopefully, some day she would pull herself out of the alcoholic abyss she occupied, but that would depend on her, not me. Right now, I had my own issues to deal with. I looked for Gary, although I was not sure what I would say when I found him. “Where is Gary?” I asked mom. “I don’t know. He set out of here like a bat on fire about an hour ago. He did not say where he was heading, or when he’d be back. He really doesn’t talk to me much anyway. I guess it is just the stage he is going through.” Mom paused and then continued, almost talking to herself, “I am glad you and I still communicate well.” I thought to myself how silly the last statement sounded. ...