1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... Point, but the more I think about it, the less it seems that Don is the guy." "So don't go." It seemed easy to me. "But, Perve, I'll be thirty-six in three months. If I don't start something soon, well, I'll never be a mother. And right now there's nobody else on the horizon." A very big sigh, finally, "Well, I'll go, and see what happens, I guess. What's the worst?" She downed the rest of the beer, headed for the door. "I've got to go pack, we're leaving right after work." "Call me, will you, let me know how it went?" "Oh, you'll be the first, I promise." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday noon, I was watching sports on TV and I heard the frozen peas crunching against my window. "Hey," I called across the top of the trees. "Perve, I'm starved," she said, "haven't eaten since last night. Take me to lunch?" "Sure. What happened?" "I'll tell you all about it." We quietly walked three blocks up to the Applebees, Audrey was really steaming about whatever it was, and it was only after she had a salad in front of her that she opened up. "It was nice enough on Friday, we got up there and had dinner at the Ahwahnee, drove around the valley just as it was getting dark to see the animals coming out, and then headed back to our room. I thought it was going to be nice and romantic, but he said he was tired so it was real quick and by 10:30 he was snoozing. The next day he wanted to get up real early and see the waterfalls before all the tourists were around, so nothing there. Then late ...
    ... in the afternoon we were walking around the base of the falls, and there was a bunch of people playing around in the water, and I joined them. Don wouldn't come in, he thought we might get hurt or something. Well, I'm having fun, and my t-shirt gets all wet, and I was wearing a thin bra, and, well, you could see almost everything. I didn't care, the guys were running around with their shirts off, and I didn't see why I couldn't do it. It got a little physical, nothing serious, just a little grab-ass, and when I got back on the path, Don was all steamed. He said I made a fool out of myself, and all that stupid stuff, and we had a big argument, right there. People were looking at us, and one guy came over and asked me if Don was bothering me, and it was just a scene. I just hiked back to the lodge by myself and went in and took a bath, and when I came out, Don started in on me again. I went to dinner by myself, just walked around, and when I got back to the room he was still in a mood. I slept on the couch in our room, and we got up early and drove back home, didn't say three words the whole trip. So, that's over. And I say, 'Thank God, I don't have to put up with him anymore.'" "Sounds like you enjoyed yourself in the waterfall. I would have loved to be there to take photos." A laugh from her, the clouds vaporized, she was back to being Audrey. "I don't know why, but I like you, Perve. You're good for me. Whatta you want to do the rest of the day? You any good at tennis?" We ...