1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... pounding it, and before long my dick was back to it's normal flaccid self, so off my clothes came. Audrey resolutely inspected my penis with interest. I'm neither proud nor ashamed of my private parts. From what I'd seen in locker rooms and such, and from the comments of my girlfriends and ex-wife, I'm neither larger nor smaller than average, and perhaps a bit thicker. Audrey confirmed my estimation by her comment, "Not bad!" and I laid down on the blanket near her. I tried to keep my eyes off her body, for fear that I'd grow a woodie again. "Okay, so, how come you aren't dating yet, Perve?" Audrey began her inquisition. "I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know? Can't you find anybody to go out with?" "Haven't tried." "Why?" I thought for a few moments, trying to phrase my reluctance correctly. "I guess, when I was married to Ann, that I thought I was set for the rest of my life. Ann and I had pretty much figured out what we wanted, we were at the point where we were going to start having babies, we had enough money. We knew, or at least I knew, what was going to go down for the rest of our lives. I was really happy. Then she goes and turns it all upside down. So now, I've got to put it all back into perspective. And I'm not sure I really want to play the field. Oh, I get horny and all, but it seems to me that if I started dating a girl, trying to get to know her and all, she'd have a pretty rough time with me right now. My shrink says I'm not completely stable yet . ...
    ... . ." "He's just trying to string you along so you keep paying your cumshaw." ". . . maybe, but I don't want to make someone else miserable right now." "Okay. So you just want somebody to walk into your life and be a substitute for your ex-wife, huh? Just pick up where you left off?" "No, I know that's not going to happen. Whoever -- if anybody -- is next on the list isn't going to be like Ann. Even if I could have that, I don't think I'd want it. I know Ann's every little irritating habit . . ." "Like sleeping around on you?" ". . . yeah, that, but leaving the top off the ketchup bottle, and swilling the wine around in her mouth until you think she's gonna blow bubbles. The little things. No, I want the next woman to have all new irritating habits." This brought a good laugh from Audrey. "Okay, so how many kids?" "Audrey wanted three, I was only good for one, maybe two." "And the little suburban home with the picket fence around it?" "Well, how about a tract house in Milpitas." "And you'd be happy with that?" "It was what we were going for. Now, I don't know. I'd want somebody who was a little more adventurous, I guess. Ann didn't even want to drive up to San Francisco on a Saturday to see a play. She said it was too long of a drive, she'd be too tired by the time we got home." For the first time, Audrey didn't respond to the statement, she always had a retort. But she was quiet for so long that I looked over to see if she was napping. Finally, she said, "I think you'll find ...