1. Gran Meets Me Halfway

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Mature Taboo Author: draghunt, Source: xHamster

    ... arrow, pointing. She held an inviting arm out welcoming me 'back on'. I climbed over, lay my cock in the valley; it found its own way back in. Gran gave off a 'hurggah!' when I slipped into her followed by lots of oooo's and aar's and her hips twitching when I worked up a rhythm. Her calling 'Oh, my dear, yes,'' several times and, 'oh, my lovely boy,' during the twenty minutes I rolled around on top of her. To my surprise and delight we worked together as one, I lost myself in her; doing my best to hang on for as long as I could I was okay until she dragged my head round and started kissing around my face like she had when I was a c***d. The image of us naked, me at ten laying on her flashed across my mind then her lips claimed mine. Her generous mouth swamped mine. When we broke a kiss to breath I went back for more. Then she gave me her tongue. I thought the next time she kisses me under the mistletoe will she use her tongue? Will I be able to feel these tits rolling against my chest again? Her cunt tightened; she was moaning into my mouth when my balls exploded. 'Oh...my God....David...mmmmah.....mmmmah,' her hips thrusting up at me until her body, taught like a bow held me off the bed, reached its zenith; then with several violent shudders relaxed but kept moving under me, whispering how I felt inside her, how wonderful to show my love for her like this, until I was sated and finished poking her. We lay panting; a pool of sweat in the small of my back. The only movement ...
    ... was her hands rubbing over my body, her soothing voice asking, 'there, that was nice, wasn't it?' as if she had put a plaster on a grazed knee. I was too breathless to answer; there was no more, I was spent. The tank was empty. I did not want to go limp inside her, separating was going to be slightly embarrassing. What do you say when you are lying on your grandmother, your leaking cock inside her? 'That was nice, see you around sometime.' But she, God bless her, realised. 'Well, I brought the towel for you,' her comforting arms folded loosely around me, 'never in my wildest dreams thought I'd need it for me,' reaching for it asked, 'can I put it down there as soon as you leave me?' pushing it down between us. Her legs swung off the bed a soon as I rolled off. With the towel between her legs said, 'don't look,' and made her way to the bathroom. I looked. * * * She told me later... 'I tried not to let the tumult in my breast show in my face. Half of me was appalled at what we had done. Shedding respect built up over years. But the other half felt quite differently about it. Behaving like a nymphomaniac again was a pleasure beyond belief. Whenever you were near the adrenalin startled and alarmed me. I didn't want to spend my life with you, I wasn't a teenager, didn't want your babies or anything silly like that but your recent morphing into adult hood had me wanting to rip my clothes off and walk around naked with you. 'Sideways glances at your face told me nothing of what you ...