1. Gran Meets Me Halfway

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Mature Taboo Author: draghunt, Source: xHamster

    It might have been a scenario I conjured up on my way to the bathroom for my first hand crank of the day but would certainly have made a quick retreat had I known my mother's mother was topless the other side of the open airing cupboard door. Had often pulled off looking at a picture of her I removed from Grandpa's collection I had found in the loft but, 'wow' this was for real. The door closed. "Oh!' exclaimed Gran standing there holding a bra in one hand and the door handle in the other. Neither of us moved. For me no problem; the expectant half hard waiting for my hand was tucked well into my briefs. Tits that were full and did not hang as much as you would expect breasts that size on a woman her age kick started my erection like jump leads attached to my balls. The circles and nipples that normally did their best to make themselves known through her blouses and jumpers were as good as advertised. Always showing a fair amount of cleavage she often had me imagining a hand down the front of her dress feeling a big soft tit. In an ideal world this was a scenario I would have wished with one or two of my mate's mums. I'd be coming onto her strong, telling her how good she looked instead of standing there like a dumb idiot. 'Oh,' Gran said again. Although her eyes did not settle on any part of me for more than a few seconds I saw them take in the roll my burgeoning cock made; she could hardly have been unaware of my open mouthed stare at her chest. Of course Gran knew of my ...
    ... obsession; I'm a tit man. I stood there transfixed, they were amazing. I always thought her attractive, always liked wholesome, and she is, but never in a month of Sundays have guessed she had a chest to die for. She had often caught me looking, which was why she now brought her shoulders back to lift the breasts she was proud of, to pause while I studied them, to lick her lips after a quick look at the roll in my briefs and to say, 'Good morning,' as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be half naked with her half dressed grandson. I went into the bathroom and stood at the sink. Sometimes you can have a wank that is more effort than it is worth and sometimes they are so memorable you're soon into another. After a shower I sat in the drying chair, balls on the cold woodwork, teasing myself to make it last, stroking a rock hard cock thinking about those tits, wondered at the chuff outlined atop those chunky thighs. Wishing I had the picture of her lying naked in the hammock I had that memorable wank that suddenly had me standing at the sink pointing Percy at the porcelain. Ten minutes later, doing a reccy to make sure she was not around, I walked back to my room proudly waving a pole in front of me slowly tossing watching her out in her garden until I spread cum on the windowsill; two for my beautiful grandmother in twenty minutes. * * * 'Good morning, again, my lovely boy. Breakfast?' no sign of the embarrassment of our earlier meeting. Calling me her 'lovely boy' ...