1. Gran Meets Me Halfway

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Mature Taboo Author: draghunt, Source: xHamster

    ... effect the whole thing was having on me. Dragging her eyes away from my roll up that was nearly peeking from the top of my briefs her flushed face looked up at me, asked, 'and isn't this where I hide behind the door?' Her amazing chest heaving slightly, nipples bigger and softer looking than when they were wet, her neck red with the excitement the rest of her body must have felt she nodded towards the bathroom, 'and then you go in there to......' 'Isn't this where I say "Good morning, Gran" I interrupted, 'and cuddle you?' The space between us closed in an instant. Her head was on my shoulder; an arm around my waist. I reached for her and deliberately touched her breast in passing. We both looked down at my open fingers paused in mid air - the slightest movement from either and her tit would be in my hand. With an almost inaudible sigh Gran put an arm around my neck to pull me closer and bingo! - I had a handful. Gran stayed perfectly still while I squeezed and felt the warmth of her. At the same time being amazed at what we were doing I was thrilled by the feel of her heavy breast; felt her twist to consciously press her other under my ribcage. They felt warm and soft and surrounded me. Her fantastic body scent wafting up was driving my cock ballistic; I had the overbearing need to have her touch it. Something flipped in my head. This was when my hand released her tit and thumbed the front of my briefs down to release my cock. 'Oh', Gran said, feeling the movement, parting ...
    ... to get a look, 'my lovely boy, he's beautiful.' No hesitation she lowered my briefs further down my thighs; long fingers cradled my balls, 'and so full.' She squeezed and fondled for a few seconds before wrapping her other hand around my shaft, 'are you going in there now,' nodding towards the bathroom before looking up into my eyes, 'or staying to let me do it for you?' I watched four fingers and a thumb push my foreskin down my stiff cock to further expose an engorged helmet leaking precum. No contest. Without waiting for an answer Gran rested her forehead against my chest so she could see one hand slowly masturbating while the other rolled my balls around in her long fingers. The sensation was amazing. The way her head was slowly sliding down my body I guessed her next move was dropping her mouth over my knob end; I let the thought of a warm mouth wash over me while I waited. A few moments of gently massaging each other I had the urge to kiss her. Gran felt my body tense as I leant to get my mouth on her shoulder; second guessed wrong, looked up at me, 'Let me know when,' she breathed. 'When?' I asked stupidly. 'When you're about to.....you want to, don't you?' looking deep into my eyes, 'for me?' 'Want to?' I asked just as stupidly. 'Make it come, darling boy. You want me to make it to come, don't you?' To add to the amazing moment hearing my church going grandmother say "come" she went straight into seriously tossing me off. Watching the foreskin being pulled up until it ...