1. HP sex story 2

    Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: cedUngi, Source: xHamster

    ... the door and said “Recomotios!” Which made the door lock. “Ginny, Wha-” said Harry as Ginny kissed him, her tongue darted into his mouth and he began to do the same thing. “Oy! This is my room! Lemme in!” said a voice from outside. Harry didn’t even flinch as he kissed Ginny, still nude and dripping. “Semus? You there? Hellllloooo!” Said the voice. Ginny then let go of Harry’s tongue, Grabbed her cloths and went under the invisibility cloak that Harry’s father had given him. Harry did not dare say a word and began getting his robes back on hastily. He got his robe buttoned up when the door finally opended and in came Ron. “Oy! Harry, couldent you hear me?” “No, I was sl**ping Ron” “Then was it you who was doing all the yelling?” inquired ron, “might have, I had another dream….” Harry lied. “Oh Harry, you might wanna tell Doubledoor about it, I mean anyone in the commenroom could have heard ya.” This made Harry’s belly twinge, he had been really loud and people could here. Then something caught his eye, a bit of floating red hair went by Ron’s back and out the door and Harry smiled inside. He really wanted to tell Ron about Hermonie, and now Ginny but, it was Lunch time, no time for telling of sex. “Anyways” began Harry. Changing the subject, “should we have a bit of lunch then?” “Yeah, That’s why I came up here in the first place!” They both went down to the Lunchroom happy but Harry was most pleased. The END Author is Vashinred