1. HP sex story 2

    Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: cedUngi, Source: xHamster

    ... went to investigate. He felt a presence and wondered if it was a ghost? A invisible clock? Nah he had the only one in the school. Right in his….where was it last he though. He had not used once that winter. Did Ron take it? Hermonie? Semus? Lavander?…GINNY? He stood there in the closed doorway thinking about it. Who had it? Did he? He walked over to his bag and began searching. Quills, paper, dress robes, and ink where found but no clock… His heart was racing fast now; someone was here in the room with him. It could be Hermonie, that would be ok but anyone else would be creepy. Harry’s mind raced through faces. It might be Hermonine he thought again, or Cho? Nah she wouldn’t be this desperate. His thoughts only found Ginny as the culprit. She might know about the cloak from Ron but she might now, better just find out now. “Hello?” Harry called out, but received no answer. “Ginny?” Harry tried. And once more there was only silence Except… “Yeah Harry?” This made Harry jump; he jumped and landed on hi bed where he felt a person already there. He turned around and saw a floating Ginny head, he long red hair behind her and lovely eyes staring at him with a sense of wanting. “Uh, hey Ginny, Where did you get that Cloak?” “From your dresser of course, Ron told me you had one so I thought I would come in handy.” “Come in handy for what Ginny?” inquired Harry. “He-he, well I was going to spy on you…” Ginny said blushing. “What for???” “Well, I’ve kinda had a Thing for you since 1st ...
    ... year, and…I’ve been waiting to make a move ever since.” Harry was astounded at this. Ginny naked on his cock, boobs bouncing and pussy out? How could he have missed this awesome thought? Ginny had one great body, maybe even more appealing then Hermonies great body, but not my much. And without even letting Harry answer, Ginny lunged at him, the cloak coming off with her. He was pinned down to his own bed, no because she was overpowering him, it was because he was kissing her as they fell. Imminently he dug into her cloths, first taking off her bottoms as he wanted her now. The image of Ginny on his cock was never going to leave his mind. He soon got her school outfit off and she got his pants off. The nest thing to go was he panties, but she wasn’t even wearing any, that Ginny, always taking chances. “I knew this was going to happen so I didn’t bother” Ginny explained. “Good thinking” Harry said, as he flipped Ginny up to sit on his erect cock. She knew what was going to happen and braced. Harry had wondered if she was a Virgin, with all her boyfriends and soon found out she was one. This was very good for Harry. Slowly he put himself on her, entering her pleasure center with ease and wanting, and then encountered resistance. And without waiting for a word from the lips of Beautiful Ginny, he entered. “OOOOOHHHHH SHIT HaRRy!” Ginny said loudly. Harry remembered how Hermonie had taken it when she had Sex with Harry about 3 days ago. Soon Ginny’s pain had subsided and she began ...