1. Camping

    Date: 4/21/2016, Categories: Fetish, Taboo Author: messin, Source: xHamster

    ... I smile and say, “If you tell me the truth, maybe I’ll let you stroke your cock with the panties I am wearing right now. Would you like that?” ……………………..PART VI: JULIE'S b*****r LUKE &#034Oh my god, Julie... that...that... that was incredible! Where in heaven's name did you learn to suck Daddy's big cock...?&#034 &#034You like it when your little girl licks your big cock, don't you Daddy?&#034 &#034Julie, this... this has to be one of our secret &#034special&#034 Daddy-Daughter games, ok, promise?&#034 Am I better than Mommy...? I want to be better than Mommy. I told you I want to love you like Mommy loves you. I saw how Mommy loves you when you were out by the pool a few years ago... I was watching from my bedroom window! I'm a good learner Daddy, aren't I? You always said so yourself!&#034 &#034Julie! You should have been asl**p in bed!&#034 &#034Mommy was on her knees, I saw her...she took off her bikini top and you were squeezing her boobies... and I saw her, she pulled down your swimming suit and used her tongue and mouth a lot on your big hard thingy... I learned a lot about how Mommy loves Daddy... and how Daddy loves it when Mommy licks your special place. I'm a good learner Daddy, I promise! And I want you to teach me everything about love on our camping trip, now that Mommy isn't here to ruin it for us! She's always interfering! &#034Julie, Mommy isn't interfering, it's just different! Mommy and Daddy's love is a special kind of love... Daddy loves you in a ...
    ... different kind of way Julie, just like I love Luke in a different kind of way!&#034 &#034Different, as in you love me so very much more than Mommy that you love to play with my dirty sticky stinky panties because it makes your big Daddy cock go all hard? I've seen it Daddy, I know you don't love Mommy that way, do you?&#034 &#034Please, no, Julie, Daddy doesn't play with your dirty panties, I...I promise.... that was... an accident! I was just getting the wash!&#034 &#034It's ok, Daddy, really. I'll tell you a little story. A few years ago, when I was much younger, you remember I'd return home from horse riding, or ballet or soccer? I'd come in all sweaty and dirty and go to my room and get out of my clothes to have a bath or shower. I'd put all my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper like you asked, and the very last thing I'd do is leave my dirty sticky panties on my bed on the way to the shower. I already noticed they would smell really strong, I kind of like it myself. Well, one day I noticed they were gone when I came back from my shower. I didn't think much of it. But then it happened again. And again. And then I began to suspect Luke was stealing them. So I put a note in the bed saying &#034Luke stop it, I know what you're up to!&#034 And I got back from my shower, and found my dirty panties untouched a note beside them from Luke saying &#034Julie, I'm *so* sorry, it won't happen again. PLEASE don't tell Mom and Dad!&#034 And, I was really angry at first, but after a while I ...