1. Sage of the Forlorn Path's "I dream of angels" AKA my fav story ever

    Date: 3/24/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Author: PolishCock

    ... surface beneath my hands gave way and I began to be sucked in. Simply acting on instinct, I took a deep breath before my head was pulled in. The girl was in front of me, just out of reach, hovering in a vast spinning torrent of bright violet light, a vortex leading onwards into infinity. As my lower body was slowly absorbed into black hole with me, the girl looked me and smiled. “Your dream was to live happily with the one you loved, so that too became my dream. Your wish was to find your soul mate and be happy for the rest of your life, so I sought to grant you that wish. Do not be afraid, we can still be together forever.” She said sleepily. My eyes widened and I fearfully gasped as her body slowly began to dematerialize, breaking up cell by cell. Looking down, I realized that I too was falling apart, my flesh and blood literally being shed from my physical form, but without any pain or sensation. “If I had waited, what would you have been?” I shouted desperately as I finally entered the vortex fully. With her legs and much of her torso gone, she opened her eyes and smiled at me. “Whatever you wanted me to be.” She hummed. From her words, a blinding epiphany flashed in my mind, I now understood, and I had regained something I thought I had lost. “Tell me, what was your wish?!” I shouted, reaching out to her while the flesh painlessly melted off my fingers. “To live and be happy with you.” She murmured, as the top of her head and her left arm began to disappear. “That was my ...
    ... wish too, so I’m going to grant it! I want to live my life and be happy, and I refuse to do either of them without you! I change my mind, I want to live, and I want to live my life with you!” I shouted. I then called out her name, her true name, finally able to hear it. At the sound of it, the girl’s one remaining eye bolted open, and the twisting vortex of violet light began to churn violently. I shouted her name again and reached out with everything I had and grasped what was left of her hand with what was left of my own. As soon as she and I touched, our bodies were fully reformed. “Marcus.” She gasped. I said her name in return, making her smile and blush. Holding onto her for deer life, I looked back at the surface of the black hole. It was so close and yet so far, like fresh air to a drowning man. Pulling the girl with me, I reached up with all the strength in my body and soul, not caring if my muscles tore and my bones snapped in the process. Just as I thought I was about to fail, my fingers broke through the surface and I grabbed on, feeling the exterior become hard beneath my grip. Roaring in desperation, I pulled the two of us back up and the dark hole released us with a geyser of violet energy shooting out like compressed air from a punctured tank. The girl and I were thrown back, holding onto each other for dear life. “So can we live our lives together and be happy?” The girl murmured with her face buried in the side of my neck. I smiled and held her close. “Yes, ...