Sage of the Forlorn Path's "I dream of angels" AKA my fav story ever
Date: 3/24/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Author: PolishCock
‘I dream of angels.’ I don’t know why that thought passed through my mind, I certainly had more important matters to worry about. My vision was fading in and out and my hearing was muffling the voices of the people around me. My body was racked with waves of pain, only disrupted by numbing spells. ‘I dream of angels.’ I was just barely able to think the words, for my mind was jargoned by searing agony, flooding my entire body and making me feel like every single capillary in my body was stuffed with shards of glass. The pain began to dull as my mind delved deeper into the cold darkness to escape, slowly placing me in the realm of unconsciousness. My name is Marcus Clive, I’m sixteen, slightly heavyset with long, messy black hair and a pale complexion brought on countless hours spent in front of the TV and computer instead of hanging out with friends. I was at least able to remember that when I finally woke up. A bright light was shining through my eyelids, stabbing my already sore brain. I could hear the beeping of a heart monitor nearby. ‘First rule of waking up to the sound of a heart monitor: review your last memory before opening your eyes.’ I thought to myself. My head ached as I delved into my consciousness in search of answers. My memory slowly returned, but at the cost of even more pain. I had been sitting in class… 6th period. Biology was half finished… but there was something wrong. I remembered that my hands had been trembling, even more than usual. There was a ...
... dull pain in the back of my head, but I couldn’t remember if it had come suddenly or had been there in my mind, throbbing for some time. I remembered the first invisible dagger stabbing me in the back of the neck. I remembered falling out of my chair, roaring in agony as I collapsed to the floor. ‘It was either a stroke or a seizure. Ah, looks like I can at least think clearly.’ I thought to myself. I ran a small pulse of my muscles through my body. Neither my left nor right side was paralyzed. ‘So if I’m not paralyzed, then there is a good chance that it was a seizure.’ I remembered how my hands had been trembling more than they usually did. ‘Muscle spasms and a blackout, so that means it was a seizure.’ I thought to myself. I opened my eyes, blinded by the fluorescent beams of light in the ceiling. I slowly raised my head, making a mental double-check of all my muscles. Several IV bags were hanging next to my bed and were connected to my veins. I was in a small hospital room with two dusty TVs up on the wall and a curtain between me and the other bed. I already knew it was empty. I rolled over in the bed, hoping to see her beside me. If someone were to ask just who “she” was, I wouldn’t be able to answer, as I hadn’t the slightest clue. For the past three years, I would greet each morning with the last warm fingers of a dream clinging to my mind. I roll on my side, and lying next to me would be a girl of my age, but with beauty unmatched by anyone else on the planet. With ...