1. A Tribute to a Best Friend, Who Was More Than Just a Friend

    Date: 3/14/2016, Categories: True Story Bi-sexual Blowjob Boy / Boy, Boys/Teen Female, Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Group Sex Male / Female Teens, Masturbation Teen Male / Teen Male, Virginity Young Author: msnyder50

    ... here to thank for it.” I looked over and there was standing my best friend and guardian angel, Dale. Dr Capitos continued,” Had it not been for Dale beating your father with a baseball bat to get him off of you, you would probably be dead now.” “Mike, I want you to rest now, OK?” “Ok Doc.” Doc left the room and Dale walked over to my bed. “Mike, I am sorry I could not have done more”. He had tears in his eyes as he talked to me. I seen he had two black eyes. I reached very slowly and touched his swollen face, “Did my father do this?” “ Yes” Dale responded. I pulled him to me and held him, as we both cried. I cried for the pain my father inflicted on my one true friend and also for the irreparable damage he, my father, did to our whole family. I was in the hospital for one month. The hospital administrator and Dale's parents allowed Dale to stay at my bed side. He was there to help me in and out of bed to get to the bathroom. He even insisted on helping with my sponge baths, to the chagrin of the nurse's. He even helped me eat, as my arms were both broken by my father's beating of me. Dale had a cot by my bed where he slept. As I was feeling better, I would invite him to sleep next to me. I would wake sometimes to find him holding me with his arms wrapped around me. I felt safe, secure and yes ,loved. I realized looking at him one night he literally laid his life down to protect me and put himself in harms way to do that. I thought to myself, how the hell do you pay someone ...
    ... back for that. I knew then that Dale and I were going to be friends for life and nothing and no one would get in the way of that. I was released and my mother and brother met me and Dale, at the hospital for the long drive home. My brother, looked worse than I did yet somehow he fared better than I did. Dad was in jail, awaiting trial. While I was in the hospital, mom placed papers with the court for a divorce decree. We had savings to live on until mom found a job and my brother also pitched in as well. Life was ok, and we as a family were healing also. Mom found a job managing a local restaurant and made more money than our father did. My brother went to work in a local foundry and worked in the diecast department. His take home base pay was $40k a year, and that was in 1970's money. Between my mom and my brother, the household income was almost 100k per year. We did not suffer as my dad was no longer in the picture, we proved we could take care of ourselves. While both my mom and brother were working I had the house to myself. In another month, school will start. I went and registered early for classes and took a bunch of advanced placement tests, at my counselors insistence. The next week my counselor called me to come in to discuss my courses I was to take that year. My counselor informed me that I tested two grades ahead of where someone my age normally would be. He said that he was going to recommend that I be placed in the seventh grade. This was great news, as Dale and ...