A Tribute to a Best Friend, Who Was More Than Just a Friend
Date: 3/14/2016,
True Story
Boy / Boy,
Boys/Teen Female,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Group Sex
Male / Female Teens,
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: msnyder50
... on a boy who does not have any hair on his dick.” Dale fell over laughing and told me he had the biggest dick in the whole school. Shit I looked like a girl next to him. His next question stunned me. “Would you like to touch it or hold it?” he quizzically asked. I really thought about it and how close we had become in such a short time. I thought what would it hurt and I did not feel pressured or ashamed for feeling curious. I gently reached over and wrapped my hand around his flaccid member, all the while Dale was beaming from ear to ear. “So do you like holding it?” Dale asked. I said yes that I really was enjoying myself. He invited me to examine it closer and he turned himself so that I could look at it up close and really personal. I moved in closer so that I was looking at his dick straight on. The shaft was smooth, good whitish/pink tone and not veiny at all. The head was well defined, with a ridge, pinkish and somewhat redish in color. His pubis had no hair at all, it was as smooth as a babies butt. I gently spread the prepuce apart and looked down the urethra. I gently touched the opening and Dale let out a soft “ah, that feels good.” I played with the shaft to test its flexibility. I next moved onto his tight scrotum and balls and gave them a gentle examination. His scrotum was smooth and devoid of pubic hair, also the scrotum had no vein bulging issues. I loved running my hands over his smooth balls. I was surprised again as Dale's cock grew long and hard, I was ...
... witnessing my first ever erection. It looked to be almost a foot long. Dale said,” He needed to rub it to get it to go back to normal.” I asked if I could do that, as I was very curious as to what will happen. Dale said he was hoping I would ask. I gently again grasped the shaft and rn my hand up and down its full length. Dale suggested I spit on it so it would be more comfortable for him and not chafe the skin. I had a better idea, I licked the his cock like a lollipop, while rubbing it. Dales eye's rolled into the back of his head. He said,” Oh Shit, Mike, something is going to come out.” I had my mouth over the head at this point and he came in my mouth. I just swallowed it as it hit the back of my throat. His cum tasted really good, I do not know why. As his cock went limp in my hand, he smiled at me and asked if we were still friends. I told him we were still friends, but also more than friends. I told him I was looking forward to do this a lot more with him, if that is ok with him. He told me he would not have it any other way. Dale and I, Part II After our night together I did not see Dale for about two weeks, as my family took a vacation to see family in the south, at a family reunion. I really did enjoy that reunion as it would turn out to be the last one we would take as a family. I did miss Dale and called him from my aunt's home. We talked for quite awhile about cars and girls, the usual shit. Dale asked me when I would be back home, I told him about a week and a ...