A Tribute to a Best Friend, Who Was More Than Just a Friend
Date: 3/14/2016,
True Story
Boy / Boy,
Boys/Teen Female,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Group Sex
Male / Female Teens,
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: msnyder50
... genius doing”, Carrey asked somewhat sarcastically . “Please do not call me that, it makes me uncomfortable, besides where did you hear that from.”, I pleaded. “ Mike, it is all over the school about you and your AP test scores, your IQ testing results were in the range of 175 and how you tested three grades ahead of the norm, shit, I am fucking dating Albert Einstein junior.” Karly exclaimed. ”Karly, thank you, but I am not Albert Einstein, besides how did you get my test scores?” I asked. “ I am an IWE for the counselors office and you are the talk of the counselors at the moment, you are a hot subject at the moment Mike.”,said Carrey. “ Mike, I am not kidding, they think you are the golden child.”, said Karly. What Dale,Bob,Tom, Karly and Carrey did not know was, all of my life I always wanted to be normal, but that was not to be. I always tried to run from what I was. You see my IQ always intimidated people and pushed me away from normal relationships. It is very lonely when you can out think most people and solve problems that are considered unsolvable. Now my new friends have learned of my secret and I am afraid I will lose them also, before I get a chance to prove to them I am as normal as they are, I just think and reason differently than they do. “ I am as normal as you Karly and Carrey, I just think and reason differently than you do, but I have feelings and emotions and yes I want to be normal, not different.” I said. “ We are sorry if we made you feel out of ...
... place”, said Karly and Carrey. Dale never made it to lunch. The warning bell rang for fifth period. I tossed my barfalicious lunch in the trash, I kissed both girls goodbye and I took off for my AP Physics class. I got there late as I needed to stop and take a shit, which turned into a marathon diarrhea session. As I walked through the door I was greeted by Mr Ross. “Mr Snyder, I do not tolerate tardiness.”, Mr Ross said with a condescensional tone in his voice.” I am sorry sir, but nature called, and in all honesty, your food in your cafeteria gave me diarrhea.” The class burst out laughing. ”Class be quiet, Mr. Snyder are you a class clown” “ No sir I am not I just stated a fact” “ Well Mr Snyder, then you must be a smart ass” “ No sir I am not, I am just here to learn something about the physical world by way of mathematics.” “ Well then, Mr Snyder, we were talking about the atom, what do you know about it?” “Well, Mr Ross, which model do you want to discuss, the classical view or quantum mechanical view also known as the Bohr model.” Well, Mr Snyder, since you are so well versed, lets talk classical first.” “The basic's are that the atom itself is comprised of electrons,neutrons and protons. The core or nucleus of the atom is made up of protons and neutrons, the electron circle's the atom in a elliptical pattern. The atom itself is held together with meson particles, thought to be atomic glue, but those are predicted in the quantum mechanical theory laid down by Dr. Niels ...