My First Time (Spacing Corrected)
Date: 3/11/2016,
True Story
Author: firstimewonder
... moment, I wanted him to jump on top of me and put his penis in me! I was so startled at my feeling that I kind of jumped. “Stop, please stop now,” I asked breathlessly . “Why, don’t you like it?” he asked with a note of hurt in his voice. “I like it so much I’m afraid I can’t stop, but I just don’t want to go any further right now, please don’t make me,” I pleaded with tears in my eyes. He complied with my wishes, so I decided to reward him for his actions by helping him not to hurt. After we got dressed again, we talked for a while longer then he took me home. I couldn't help but think that the wedding better come up fast if I ever hoped to be a virgin on my wedding night! The next time we had a chance to be together alone, I was wearing slacks. We had been driving and talking about our books, and before long I could see his erection. We headed for our favorite place, and parked. It was a moonless night, so we were doing everything by feel. Since he couldn't run his hands under my skirt, he simply unfastened my slacks and pulled them off. After some kissing and cuddling, he slid my panties off. By that time, he was naked, and I had only my blouse and bra on. That only lasted for about another ten minutes, until I was completely naked. I hesitated for a while then pushed him back when he tried to embrace me. “What’s wrong,” Dean asked. “We’re not married yet but here we are completely naked!” I replied. “No we’re not, I still have my socks on!” We laughed about his comment ...
... for several seconds, which broke the tension. I melted into his strong arms, feeling myself kind of soar. We played around for quite a while, feeling each other, exploring our naked bodies, but not able to see much of each other because of the darkness. After a while, I began stroking his penis, but for some reason, he didn't come. Finally, he pressed my hand away saying that he was so dry that my hand was starting to irritate the tip. “We need some hand lotion or something to make it slick,” I commented. “Hey, I know how to make it slick,” he responded as he rolled on top of me. “Dean, stop, stop, I don’t want to do it yet, I want to wait until we are married.” “I’m not going to put it all the way in, I’m just going to slide it in far enough to get it slick.” “OK, but you got to promise me you will stop when I tell you or I won’t even let you touch me.” “OK, I promise,” he assured me as he lowered himself into position. I guided his thing toward my opening, tensing up as I felt it touch my hair. He pressed gently forward until I felt the tip engage my swollen lips. I'm not sure just what caused the sudden pain, or if it was my imagination, because he had hardly touched me when the pain caused me to stop him. True to his promise he pulled back, but I could tell how truly reluctant he was. Never the less, it did accomplish getting him slick, and when I again began stroking his penis, he came almost at once. After playing around for another half-hour or so, we reluctantly dressed ...