1. My First Time (Spacing Corrected)

    Date: 3/11/2016, Categories: True Story Author: firstimewonder

    DEE: I knew that people had sex from mid high school days, but didn't experience it until a few years later. My mother had told me the basics, so I knew I could get pregnant, but the processes of accomplishing it were fairly vague. I entered a strict Church related college right after graduation from high school, so my education about sex was still some ways off. During the second semester of my sophomore year, I met Dean. Actually, he was dating another girl while I was dating his roommate. Since his roommate didn't have a car, Dean usually drove when we double dated. It was only a few weeks until I realized I was dating the wrong boy. I sensed that Dean felt the same way, but both of us respected the commitments to our partners. However; over the course of a month, Dean broke up with his girl friend for reasons that had nothing to do with me. Then when my boy friend began cheating on me when I was out of town, I broke off with him. Shortly after, I accepted a date with Dean. Within a month we were engaged! Even though Dean had a reputation of being terribly shy, it wasn't long before I realized I was going to have my hands full with him. He was respectful, but in his shy and inhibited way he made it clear that he wanted to know more about girls in general, and me in particular. Naturally, we cuddled and kissed as you would expect of a newly engaged couple, but before long he began running his hands up and down my back, and I could feel him exploring the outline of my bra. ...
    ... He paid special attention to the clasp, almost as if he were trying to learn how to unhook it through my blouse and slip. We didn't progress past a lot of kissing and general feeling of each other's non-sexual body. Occasionally, Dean would accidentally bump my breast. I didn't protest, because he wasn't terribly aggressive about it, and besides, I kind of liked it! He asked to take me home about four hundred miles away to meet his family after school was out. Afterwards, I was coming back to my parent's home on a bus while he spent the summer working for a farm supply business. During the nine-hour drive to his home, the reality that we were going to be separated for three months began settling into my thoughts. Naturally I sat close beside him on the drive, and he had his arm around me most of the time. Presently, I became aware that he was becoming more aggressive about bumping my right breast. Before long he had his hand resting on the side of my breast doing little circles and massaging it gently. I didn't protest, but cuddled closer to him offering my non-verbal assent. We talked of our separation, expressing our undying love as you might expect of young lovers. I was to be at his parent's home for a little less than a week before I returned home. Dean drove me all over his boyhood stomping grounds, taking me to the schools he attended and showing me the places where he had lived. In addition, he took me into all the farm buildings, sharing the places where he played as ...