My First Time (Spacing Corrected)
Date: 3/11/2016,
True Story
Author: firstimewonder
... of the trunk and spread it on the ground. We sat down and instantly fell into a passionate clinch. I had on a nice dress, and was worried about getting it wrinkled. Dean was wearing a suit and tie, and when I expressed my concern about getting our clothes wrinkled, he said the easiest way to keep that from happening was to take them off! I was stunned, but a second later he had removed his tie, and in another instant his suit pants were laying on the front seat of the car. I was wearing a nice skirt and blouse with a full slip, so decided that taking my blouse and skirt off while leaving my slip on wasn't too risky. In a few moments they were laying on his slacks. At first we cuddled and kissed, but our level of passion combined with the forced separation seemed to move us along. We were laying side by side in a tight clinch when Dean rolled on top of me and got between my legs. By now my slip was up around my waist, but I still had my support girdle on so felt fairly well protected. He settled down on me and began rubbing his penis against my pubic bone. The feeling was fantastic, and apparently he felt the same. After a while he pulled back a bit and I could feel him positioning the tip against my bottom. I was amused because he kept putting it at the top of my opening, and every time I moved it down to the proper location he moved it back up. “Why do you keep moving it up there?” I asked. “I just wanted to practice where it should go,” he responded breathlessly. “Well, ...
... that’s where I’ve been putting it,” I whispered. “Way down there?” he asked incredulously. “Why do you think it goes up here?” I responded. “Well, I’ve seen my nieces running around without their clothes on, and that’s where it looks like your thing is,” he commented lamely. “Well, where I am putting it is exactly where it should go,” I replied as I laughed silently After convincing him that it was where it belonged, he positioned himself against me and began thrusting against me. The tight girdle prevented much sensation, but feeling his weight on me and the thrusting over me was quite pleasant. We played around for a couple of hours before deciding that we better get back before we caused too much speculation as to where we were. The next day was Sunday, and we were somewhat obligated to go to church with our hosts. We joined our friends at church then had lunch with them. I longed to be alone with Dean for a while again, but circumstance prevented that opportunity. We were able to have about five minutes of privacy out of sight of our friends to say goodbye, then again were faced with separation. About three weeks before school started in the fall, Dean had finished his work at the farm supply store and called a local company where he had worked the prior year. They were glad to have him, and offered him a second shift job which fit right in with my second shift job. He got off work about an hour before I did which made it possible for us to meet before I went home. I was ...