1. Dress Code, part 4

    Date: 8/30/2015, Categories: Office Sex, Author: Oncearunner1974, Source: LushStories

    ... reached for the door to the outer office, where Miss Jones sat. She firmed her courage, opened the door, and walked through, where Miss Jones looked at her with interest though with no surprise. The attractive secretary said, with no hint of sarcasm, “I see things went well after I left. I hope you make it. I like you.” “Thanks,” Anne responded. “Is this… normal?” Miss Jones smiled. “Normal? Well, that’s hard to say. I haven’t worked anywhere else, so I don’t think most other firms operate the way this one does. If you’re asking if this happens a lot, then the answer is no.” Anne started to try to formulate another question, but before she could Miss Jones continued, “Oh, he makes plenty of new associates go through the day without their bras or panties, but this test is fairly rare. Maybe once every couple of years? The last one to make it through the day was Davenport, but that was before my time, and that was under the older Mr. Slater.” Anne gulped. She didn’t really know what to think. One more question swirled into the front of her brain. “Will people be surprised when they see me?” Miss Jones gave her a look of mild disappointment. “You want me to spoil all the fun? Well, I guess I can answer that one. After all, it’s not me giving the whole office a show today.” Anne shuddered a bit inside as the prospect of being on display for the whole office become even more immediate. Miss Jones went on, “Anyone as new as you will be as surprised as you would have been if you ...
    ... had seen this before he called you into your office yesterday. Anyone who’s been around for more than a year has seen it before. But here’s the thing. Those who have seen it know that this is a test reserved for those who are being considered for big things. Even though most don’t pass the test, they’ll have to be somewhat careful about how they treat you, because if you do make it, you’ll remember. But it’s also their chance to mess with someone who may become their boss some day. Or to gamble that you won’t pass the test. Or just to have fun with a pretty woman in her underwear. Now scoot.” Anne took a deep breath and opened the door to the hallway. Her first stop would be her cubicle, in the shared area about a hundred feet further down. She needed to dump her clothes, or else she would be too tempted to put them on. Miraculously, the hallway was empty, and Anne clutched her clothes to her chest as she walked as fast as she dared down the hallway, her heels clicking on the tile floor. She had streaked in college, and even attended a naked party, but that was different. There had been other naked people. She had never felt as exposed as she did at this moment. When she was about halfway down the hallway, a man she had met but whose name hadn’t sunk in came out of the men’s room. He was in his early thirties, and his only reaction at the sight of her was a raising of the eyebrows in surprise, and a broad grin as he looked her up and down. “Miss Burlington,” he nodded, as he ...