1. Revenge Chapter 1

    Date: 2/18/2016, Categories: Fiction BDSM Blowjob Bondage and restriction Cum Swallowing First Time Male/Female Non-consensual sex Virginity Author: kisinurkitty

    ... below me. I felt forward, touching her bare shoulder with one hand, and the top of her head with the other. “Are you naked too?” I asked suddenly. “Never mind that” she said angrily, “Just get me off this thing.” “I’m trying to help you” I replied in the same tone. “You could at least be polite since we’re in this together you know.” “Sorry, I’ve just never been tied up before, and I don’t like it” she said in a softer voice. “Me either lady, so forget it” I said as I felt down her left arm toward her hand. As I was getting close to her wrist, my harness again beeped, and I got another slight shock. I played it up like I got hit by a cattle prod though, jumped back, tripped over the chair and yelled “Shit! Not again” “What happened?” “ Well, unless someone is watching us, I can’t untie you any more than I can untie me.” “Can you see anyone?” I asked quietly. After a second of hearing slight movements as she craned her neck around as much as she could, she said “No, nothing. I don’t see any windows or anything”. Somewhat relieved that she had not spotted the cameras I had very carefully hidden around the room, I replied “ Got any more bright ideas? I don’t want to get shocked again, that hurts like a mother!” “Well, why don’t you take off your blindfold, and see what is behind me?” “I can’t”, shaking my head, “I tried earlier and got shocked. That was the first time, before you woke up I guess”. “If my hands get too close to my head, or my waist, I get shocked. NOT pleasant” I ...
    ... said emphatically. “So how long have you been here anyway?” she asked. “A couple of hours I guess, I woke up kind of dizzy. I don’t know what happened, I went to sleep last night in my apartment, and woke up here.” “How about you?” I asked. “Same thing I guess. Hey, you look kinda familiar”. “Do I? I’d say the same but… “ I smiled in response and pointed my hands at my blindfold. “I’m John by the way”. “My name is Tess” she said in reply. Apparently it was her nickname. “Can you see anything to drink in here? I’m really getting thirsty” I said as I stood up again. “Me too!” she said. “I don’t see anything in front of me, maybe behind?” I started to carefully walk in that direction. As soon as I was sure I was out of her view, I hit the first hidden button on my wrist. The laptop directly beneath her head beeped twice as the screen came on, showing the instructions I had written there, and the time of 8:00. I had no idea what time it was, but this would make it look like the computer came on automatically at 8. “What was that?” I said as I turned back towards her. “A computer just turned on” she said. “It has instructions on it”. “What does it say” I asked. “It says ‘You must be thirsty by now. To get a drink, operate the panel on the back wall. Select what you want on the screen after typing in this code’” “It has a 12 digit code after that” she said. “How can I type anything if I can’t see it?” “Just try please” she said. “Ok, I’ll give it a shot”. I turned back towards the ...