1. Revenge Chapter 1

    Date: 2/18/2016, Categories: Fiction BDSM Blowjob Bondage and restriction Cum Swallowing First Time Male/Female Non-consensual sex Virginity Author: kisinurkitty

    ... thighs. There were two sets of sensors on the belt and thighs that were connected to the computer. I swung the laptop into place under her head, squeezed one perfect ass cheek, and got ready myself. After taking off all my clothes, and putting hers and mine out of the room, I locked the door and put on my special bracelets and harness. My bracelets and harness had similar sensors to the ones on Tess, with the addition of a few hidden buttons that would allow me to control the locks and other things in the room. It was a little tricky getting the blindfold buckled in place, since it was designed to be un-removable by me. I powered up the system and sat down on the cot to wait. Since I had no idea when the sedative would wear off, I laid down for a nap, as it had been a long night. She Awakes. I had dozed off for maybe an hour or two, when I heard some groans. I awakened quickly as I remembered where I was, and what I had planned. The groans quickly turned to words, as she started struggling against the straps. “What the fuck! What’s going on!” I heard in the dark as she moved the little she could on the bench. “Who’s there?” I called out, playing my part as well as I could. Since I could not see Tess’s beauty, I was confident enough to be able to talk normally. I was laying back on the padded cot against the far wall, about 12 feet from where Tess lay bound. She could turn her head slightly to the side to see me, as I imagine she would now. “Get me out of here you son of a ...
    ... bitch!” she yelled when she caught sight of me. I sat up and moved my hands in front of my crotch, aware she would be able to see me clearly now. As planned, the harness I wore made a loud beep as my hands got too close to my crotch, and gave me a small electric shock on my thigh. I yelled out in apparent agony, jerking my hands away and out to my sides. The little shock gave me the courage to reply “What do you mean get you out of here? Take this shock collar off of my nuts!” I yelled back with what I hoped was an angry look on my face, with my arms still out to the side. She could see now that I was blindfolded, and apparently in much the same situation she was in. “I can’t do anything, I’m tied up” she said in a slightly calmer voice. “Come untie me and I will untie you”. “Ok, I’ll try, but you will have to tell me what to do, I can’t see a thing” I said as I got up and start slowly walking toward her, with my hand held out in front of me. I knew there was a chair somewhere in-between us, one of the few pieces of furniture I had left in the room. Since she did not warn me of the chair, I walked right into it and stubbed my toe, cursing and hopping back a little. “Ow! Son of a ...” I said, hopping back a bit. “Sorry”, she said apologetically, “I wasn’t quick enough to tell you about the chair”. “No problem,” I said, “I have nine other toes” as I slowly felt my way around the chair. As I took another hesitant step towards her she said “Ok, stop there, my arms are tied down ...