long night in Vegas
Date: 2/13/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Older Female, massage, Wife Author: Justise
... never take the chance of public humiliation for his wife but he intended to get all he could without the actual suit. Ted was a well-dressed graying gentleman with the Smokey bass voice from years of sitting in smoke filled casinos watching money poor into the coffers of the owners who paid him to weather all the storms and settle all complaints quickly. He sat down and pulled a disk from the drawer and passed it over to me, This is the master all digital evidence has been wiped away. We have cleared your bill and I have a 10,000 voucher you can cash at the window no taxes, if you will sign the wavier stating you forfeit all future claims to damages. Your welcome to stay in the presidential suite for the last two days of your reservation and you will have guarded privacy no Steve or Jeremy or Juan you have my personal guarantee, do we have a deal he soothed. I reached for the pen ready to get out of that office before I hit someone. When Jay heard me come in she roused with a groan I was sure she was going to be sore from her long night. Memorable unbelievable night all I wanted to do was get to the new room order some stout whisky and see the video I still could not believe what was supposed to be on it. It seems the Hotel has a policy to record all escort activity for just these situations and I now had a video of my wife wondering through fantasy land in Vegas for 4 long hours……………… Wrong room right Idea one memorable night! Jay was just barely awake so he ordered ...
... breakfast in bed and decided to hear her side of the story then decide if he would watch the video with or without her or not at all. As breakfast was finished and the tray set aside coffee in hand they both sat in the arm chairs in the entry of the room, Jay was looking down and he cleared his throat to get her to look up as he reached behind his chair and retrieved the errant bra now he looked at her shrugging his shoulder and raising his eyebrow “care to tell me why this would be in here at the door by itself and the chairs were pushed against the wall this morning?” Jay said innocently “well I had it in my hand when a knock came at the door and I tossed it to open the door.” “Ok so this must have been when Steve dropped by you were starting to tell me about Steve just before falling asleep?” he asked softly placing the bra across his knee. Well he said, “you sent him to my room his name was Steve, tall older gent bald huge shoulders nice shape for an older man acted like he was following a script came in locked the door had a glass of wine asked to use the shower. He had a room key said he was a little surprised but it was a pleasant surprise he seemed to be expecting a young Tart is what he called it but was very happy to find an older beauty like me for a change. When he was through with his shower he asked me to undress and get on the bed so he could take me doggy style so I assumed you had arranged it and just accommodated him he was very kind had a nice long romp he came ...