1. long night in Vegas

    Date: 2/13/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Older Female, massage, Wife Author: Justise

    ... coma. He answered in the sitting area and grumbled what is it? Sorry to trouble you sir but the card we have on file for incidentals has been declined we need you to come to the front desk and clear this up if you can. Still in shock from the wild tale from Jay he dressed hastily and looked for a room key he spotted her bra by the entry table and reached to pick it up it was a new sexy lace covered push me up he mused that he would want to see on her later. The key was next to a set of two blue casino chips he slipped them into his pocket wondering where on earth she had acquired them. At front desk he was met by a cute blonde whom seemed too young to be in this place but she was very forward and professional as she stepped aside and offered shall we step into the office for privacy. He was unsure why they needed privacy but just followed along. I am afraid there has been some kind of mix up with your room and the bill so I thought you could help me clear it up. The charge on your hotel bill is from an associated massage service that works though our concierge the charge to your room number is for 2000 dollars. Wow she said it was a thorough massage but 2000 dollars is a lot to pay for something neither of us ordered. Well that is what I need to clear it seems when an older gent checked in about the time your wife did the keys were miss handled our concierge escorted her per your request to the suite set up for your anniversary. Steve was handed the same room # key when he ...
    ... and his wife were actually in room 1112 not 1211 in the confusion Steve ordered his wife a night to remember 4 handed massage when I saw it on your room # I knew what happened the massage went to your room after he complained his wife never got her massage and he had left 2000 dollars in chips on the table as agreed to after had his massage with the nice red head. So it appears your wife was the busy lady who not only had a 2000 fantasy Vegas massage but then unwittingly accepted an older slightly inebriated client for a quick shower and massage. Has she said anything about the chips if they are in your room? Ok let me get this straight my poor wife comes to your hotel is escorted to a room served a bottle of wine then is beguiled and lied to by two young studs who basically coerce her into the bed leave her naked and drunk for another stranger to use a key enter her room demand she service him like a cheap hotel call girl, and you wake me up to pay a 2000 dollar bill and oh by the way Steve wants his money back. You have lost your mind, I only have one question are there any video evidences and are you prepared for the law suit I am about to file? Now sir, really we are not responsible for what transpired in the privacy of your hotel room. No but you did send Jeremy and Juan under false pretense to my room and gave Steve a key to my room you had better get managers because I am seriously going to sue and I demand any and all video be given to me immediately. He knew he could ...