1. Boat Trip

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Hardcore Masturbation Author: -dark_horse-, Source: xHamster

    ... gentlemanly way--with her sweater over her head, I don't think she could've noticed. I had to begin peeling off some clothes too, and soon I was sitting behind the wheel in just my bathing trunks. I think Tatiana took that as a cue to strip down to her bathing suit as well. Even though I would never cheat on Sarah, I had to admit--Tatiana was attractive and in great shape. It was hard to keep from looking at her. We were enjoying each other's company and some cold beer I had stowed away--just bobbing around in the bay waiting for wind--when Tatiana's phone rang. It was one of those smart phones with that face-to-face technology, so she held it out in front of her in a way I'd never seen before. I silently made fun of her when she picked up the call. She was laughing at me when she started talking. "Oh hi Sarah! I was expecting it to be Richard," Tatiana said into the video camera. "What's up?" "Hey! I just have to ask James a quick question, could you pass him the phone?" said Sarah. Tatiana passed me the phone and it took me a few seconds to get my bearings. It wasn't natural for me yet to speak at a video of my wife's face. "Hey honey. What's up?" I said. "James, I have to ask you something and I hope you aren't mad." Sarah said. "Uh. Ok. Shoot." I looked at Tatiana--my expression asking, what's up with this? She just shrugged. "James. I was here working with Richard and he started to get ... a little rude with me." Sarah said. Tatiana's ears perked up--she looked ...
    ... concerned. I thought "rude" was a vague word, so I just chuckled. "Ok. Go on..." I said. "Well, we were here working on the sales stuff, and he put his arm around my chair, you know. And it was a bit close. Then he started playing with my hair--which was weird, but it felt nice. He's a good friend and I thought it was OK, I guess. His hands were so gentle, it was amazing and I didn't want him to stop--even though I knew he probably should." "That's a little weird Sarah. Did you slap him?" I asked. "No. But I asked him to stop and he asked me why he should and I told him it was weird. So he stopped." Sarah said. "Ok. Whatever. I'll give him some shit about it when we get home." I said. Tatiana had now moved up beside me so that she could look over my shoulder. She smelled fantastic, and I could feel her breasts on my arm. I pretended I couldn't feel them there. "There's a little more," said Sarah. "He stopped caressing my hair, but then he stood behind me and started massaging my back. I was still trying to work, but his hands were so strong. I'm sorry, but it felt amazing, and I thought, we're all friends, there's nothing wrong with an innocent backrub. We're all stressed," Sarah said. Sarah's phone shifted a little bit and I could see that her shoulders were naked--and her voice started to become more excited. I started to get worried. "Richard started saying some really vulgar things to me," Sarah continued. "He told me that I had incredibly sexy breasts and that he couldn't ...