1. Boat Trip

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Hardcore Masturbation Author: -dark_horse-, Source: xHamster

    ... Sarah, answering the phone. "Oh hey. ... Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah, that won't be a problem. Come on over, and yes of course, please, bring Tatiana." I could tell from Sarah's posture and sinking expression that we weren't going anywhere. She hung up the phone, dejected. "Honey. I'm so sorry, but that was Richard. He needs my help on a last-minute sales presentation for work. He and Tatiana are coming over for a bit so we can finish it up." Richard is Sarah's boss. He's a good guy and he and I get along really well. Over the last few years we had become good friends. We often meet up with him and his wife, Tatiana, to go out for dinner or beers or concerts. So the news wasn't entirely bad--just a bummer that our sailing trip would have to wait. "He's bringing Tatiana over too, because they had plans to go to the beach that he had to cancel. Maybe you and she could go sailing instead?" My heart sank. I wanted my first "real" trip out on the boat to be with Sarah--not only for the sexual carnival I envisioned--but because I wanted it to be a special moment in the story of our lives. "Well fuck. I don't want to go without you. I'll just hang back and sit in the corner looking sad all day." I said. Sarah laughed. "No way. You've been wanting to go sailing for months now. It's a beautiful day. Go. Have fun." I reluctantly agreed. Richard and Tatiana showed up a few minutes later. We all hugged and greeted one another in the doorway before I helped Richard lug in ...
    ... his presentation materials, books, and boxes from the car. He was stressed and distracted. I felt bad for him--work was obviously weighing him down. By the time we got a workspace set up in the dining room for Sarah and Richard, Sarah had already offered her spot on the boat to Tatiana--who had excitedly accepted. She said she'd much prefer it to sitting inside all day watching her husband work. So it was decided. Tatiana grabbed her beach bag from their car and we waved to Sarah and Richard as they began straightening the pile of work on the dining room table. *** It was a beautiful day in the bay. I had grown up sailing tiny boats, but never captained my own yacht. I felt wonderful. The birds were overhead, the sun was shining, and there was a steady breeze from the east. It would have been perfect if it was Sarah sitting in the cockpit with me instead of Tatiana. Not that Tatiana's a bore. She's a smart and beautiful girl, a few years younger than my wife, with a great sense of humor. She and I got the sails up well enough and had a great time talking and laughing as we made our way out into open water. After a few hours of steady breeze, laughing, and lively conversation, the wind died down. We found ourselves bobbing around like ducks in the middle of the bay--seven miles (and a few hours) from shore. The sun began to beat down on us and Tatiana started to lose some layers. When she pulled off her sweater, I could see her perfectly fit and tan belly. I peeked, but in a ...