The Black Willow 3
Date: 1/31/2016,
Author: pars001
... better be damn important or I'll come for you." she answered. "Look Mary, you have a good head on your shoulders, you have been taught by the best of all in the city, hell the whole world girl. Oh yes, I know about all your training, I may be old but I still have ears everywhere as I heard you do." Thomas said. Mary smiled slyly, yes, she had kept tabs on him also. They both smiled, then Mary told Ann to be good as she would be gone a week and wanted to hear all about it when she got back. Sighing Ann wished her luck and kissed her cheek, after they left she contacted all her spys in the city to watch Ann they'd be paid when she returned. With that she set out to the space port she almost had enough to get her own ship, it had taken time but this job was the one that would get it for her. The trip out was boring as usual giving her time to work on her tech, she had kept up with Jim hearing about some of the improvements he had made, damnit he'd already passed her on the cloak but she had far surpassed him on the voice configure box and the matter through matter teansmitter. Shit, she felt she was back in the lab with him all those years ago each trying to out do the other, sighing she knew he would always out do her with what ever he was working on. He was brilliant to a fault, and from what she had heard after the war he had all but disappeared, it seemed his family had lost most of their holdings but was still prized by the emperor She had heard about a new space station ...
... on the outskirts of the empire with more advanced weapons than anything she had ever heard of. For some reason she felt that Jim had a hand in that, checking further she was sure of it, then she heard about the shields, son of a bitch. They were what really impressed her, hell with those she could do her jobs directly and never be touched. Oh well, there always was wishing, the ship docked 2 days later Mary was ready. Heading to her contact she again donned a disguise, this time an old poor woman. The contact wanted her to kill a high ranking official, nodding she listened to everything. "All right, first you pay me but know this if the man can offer me more I will forego the job," she said. Nodding the man paid her 10 times what she was going to ask for hmmmm they obviously thought her tech was better than it was or, here she sighed, this was a trap. After the credits were transfered and then confirmed, Mary left on her way to kill the man. Mary had worked the whole time on the ship refining her MTM to pass through the castle walls apparently, they were made of a different stone that interfered with it, Mary had worked a week at home and almost had it but she needed the real thing to test it on. Passing the castle she went to a little used wing and took readings, satified she set her plan for that night. checking her network she had no messages about any traps but still wasn't sure something didn't feel right. That night a shadowy figure moved with ease through the moonless ...